During this time of the year, everything in the books you read seems somehow related to Christmas or Christmas presents So why not try and find inspiration in everything? We thought about a gift guide that is based on a certain book to prove that you can find presents for your loved ones everywhere. Even if you’re not reading the book we suggested, you can use the same way of thinking and apply it on your favorite books, or the person’s favorite books you read. Read along and get ready for a December full of inspiration.
Our book of choice for the fiction category is “One good thing” by Alexandra Potter. The reason why we picked this one is because it has a variety of characters that will allow you to find something for different people in your life. Even if you’re not reading this book, try thinking about something in the books you read that explores different characters with various interests. That’s the best way to try and associate some characters with the people in your life. Let’s take a look at the characters in this book:
The main character of this book is a 40 something year old newly divorced woman who moves away from London. She moves to a very small town in Northern England and she finds a lot of happiness there. She’s cheerful, adaptable and she has a dog that she absolutely adores. If there’s anyone in your life that fits this description, the best present for them would be any accessory for their dog, as that would make Liv very happy. Small presents like books, plants, home decor items or anything handmade would make this person very happy, as they are probably very kind, sentimental and easy to cheer up people.
We’re moving on to a very different character, an 80 year old man who is a little grumpy and pretty much lonely most of the time. He’s kind, loves his tea and enjoys some people’s company more than he’d like them to know. One thing about Valentine is that he always wears his flat cap, so the first thing you could buy if there’s anyone like this in your life is a flat cap like the ones here: https://www.gaelsong.com/prod_detail_list/accessories-irish-hats And then, any present that is tea related would make them more than happy. But it has to be good quality tea, loose leaf, “none of that teabag stuff” as Valentine would say.
A sassy teenager that is passionate about climate change and activism might seem like a very hard person to shop for. But Maya is also kind, smart and witty, so if there’s anyone like this in your life, make them feel seen for that. You can go for sustainable items such as a phone case made out of recycled materials, gifts from local small businesses or any other environmentally friendly item. You could also make these people happy by getting them some sort of gadget for their phone. That can be a new pair of earphones, a ring light or even a smart watch. Technology and sustainability usually works for the woke teenagers of today.
Now, a builder who wears baseball caps and flannels all day might not seem like a hard person to shop for, but Ben is much more than that. He’s also a very loving father who is always preoccupied with his child’s happiness more than anything. For these strong male figures with a soft side, a great way to make them happy is by appealing to that soft spot. You can do this by either getting their kids to draw some art that you can frame, put together a photo collage of them and their kids or any sort of sentimental gifts that you can involve their kids in. They’ll surely appreciate it.
I love reading! As a teacher i spend summer and Christmas break diving into books.