Mental health is a subject that is at the forefront of most people’s minds and that is because being in a positive mental health space is so important and something you should be striving for daily. When your mental health is at its best, you’ll feel more positive, your confidence will be higher and you’ll be motivated in what you do daily, whether that’s at work or your family life.Â
Looking after your mental health can be done in many ways. It can be through exercising regularly, enjoying a healthy balanced diet, taking part in a hobby you enjoy or cutting out the bad things in your life such as overdrinking or smoking.Â
Below we have put together a quick guide to looking after your mental health.Â
Taking part in a hobby you enjoyÂ
Having a hobby is important as it gives you a space where you can forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life and do something you enjoy. Depending on the hobby you choose, it can engage your brain and you may make some new friends along the way. Whether you want to take up a new hobby and join something like guitar luthier school or want to continue doing something you were good at in the past, having a hobby will help.Â
Exercising RegularlyÂ
It goes without saying that a key component to a good mental health space is regular exercise. On a weekly basis, ensure you are exercising two to three times a week and this can be anything that gets your heart rate rising, from running to joining a sports club. If you need help with motivation, find a friend or family member who can exercise with you as this will give you some added motivation.Â
Cutting the bad things out of your lifeÂ
A balanced lifestyle is crucial to a positive mental health space. And what we mean by this is that you don’t need to give every bad thing up, but instead, enjoy it in moderation. For example, if you enjoy a cocktail like a gin mixer try not to over consume, instead have a couple. The same can be said for smoking, instead of quitting completely (although this is advisable) you could move to vaping as this is better for you. Eating healthy is also important, but you don’t have to completely cut out your favourite treats. Instead, focus on eating a balanced diet most of the time, and treat yourself occasionally.
Drink plenty of waterÂ
Water is important for your overall lifestyle. You should be drinking around 3 litres a day as this will stop you from dehydrating and getting ill. Water helps you concentrate better and can assist with weight loss, should that be a goal of yours. During the hotter months, you should be drinking more water as your body sweats more, the same can be said for when you are exercising.Â
What tips would you recommend to someone trying to improve their mental health? Which of the above tips is most useful? Let us know in the comment box below.Â