There are a large number of cases whereby complications may have arisen at birth, that in turn, cause detrimental effects on the family’s mental health. So, while it is important to consult your birth injury attorney to find closure, it is also important to seek mental and emotional support for you and your family.
The whole family must know it is important, to be honest, and open up about how you are feeling, as well as understand your mental health and how you can help each other.
When your children attend school, there is usually mental health support. In cases whereby children are homeschooled, it can mean the responsibility falls on the parents.
What is mental health?
We all have mental health. Mental health affects how we think, act and feel and encompasses our social, emotional, and psychological well-being. Sometimes it can be obvious when someone is suffering from their mental health and other times, it can be difficult to tell. There are many warning signs to look out for, such as a traumatic event such as a birth injury, social withdrawal, change in behavior, compulsions, and much more.
Here are 6 tips to help with your family’s mental health day-to-day after a traumatic event or general decline in mental health.
#1 Make sure you seek support
As a parent who is suffering or at least trying to maintain their mental health, while also looking after their children, it is important to ensure you also seek support for yourself. Like they say, always put on your oxygen mask, the same goes for your mental health. If you are seeking support, you will be much more equipped to help and support your family.
#2 Talk openly and be vulnerable
It can be a hard thing to adopt at first, but opening up and being vulnerable creates a safe and inviting environment for your family to do the same. Talking about mental health can make it less of a taboo subject, as well as model good talking habits and behavior to the rest of your family.
#3 Listen intently
Once you have created an environment for openness and honesty, the next step is to ensure you are listening to your family and showing empathy. It can have a huge impact just knowing that someone you trust is listening to you and alongside you on this journey, as mental health can be difficult to navigate.
#4 Consumption
In a world where everything is online and we can instantly consume information, it is important to keep an eye on what your family is consuming and for how long. Devices such as mobile phones, iPads, and laptops can impact your sleep, social media can impact the way your feel about yourself and decline self-esteem, and constant bad news on the media can create a very fearful and anxious environment.
#5 Spend more time in nature
Nature is extremely beneficial to your mental health by improving your mood, reducing stress and anxiety, increasing feelings of relaxation and mindfulness, and encouraging you to be more active. You can make spending time in nature more fun, by going for walks, finding activity parks to play in, and taking board games outside in the garden.
#6 Adopt new and sustainable healthy habits
Many studies have shown the importance of adequate sleep, good nutrition, and regular exercise on your mental health. They have all been shown to heighten or impact mental health disorders such as trauma, anxiety, depression, anger, and much more.
Food doesn’t just impact your physical health, but also your mental health. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables, regular meals, and a variety of different food groups can provide you with fuel and more energy, make you feel good, and reduce the symptoms of depression.
Sleep is just as important as eating healthy food and even breathing. Sleep can impact how you feel emotionally, your focus and concentration as well as your memory. Start with going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to help establish a routine, turn off devices at least an hour before sleep, and turn off all lights.
Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and stress, as well as the symptoms of other mental health problems that affect cognitive function, social engagement, and low moods. Exercise is known for its increase in blood circulation to the brain and its happy hormone-inducing effects.
Mental health can be difficult to navigate, especially if you have experienced any traumatic events. Make sure you seek support, create open and honest conversations, and implement healthy habits to help you and your family.
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