I love kids toys. Do we ever really grow up? As a parent of 2 girls and 1 boy, it doesn’t matter which gender a toy is for, if it catches my eye, I love it. Especially unique kids’ toys. When I shop for kids I look for unique toys that I think no one else is going to buy. I like being the cool parent on the block.
Every year I start looking for unique Christmas gifts and I share my finds with all of you. It makes shopping online for both of us and it gives each of you a chance to buy gifts that you don’t have to worry will be returned because someone else bought the same thing.
I’m kicking off my Christmas gift guide with MailegUSA.com. You might be wondering what is different about this site and what makes it stand out as a company. I’ve got your back.
First of all, all of the toys on this website are unique. You can start with the doll house or just buy pieces in the different collections and let your kids use their imagination with toys they already have or, let them make their own.
There are mice, rabbits, stuffed animals, and so much more. The dollhouse-sized toys are absolutely adorable. For example, what kid wouldn’t love the miniature hiker mice from Maileg USA? For those of you who know me, I love hiking to places I’ve never been before so of course I wanted to get the kids something that would fit into our lifestyle.
These sweet mice with their hiking outfits on make making memories fun. There are several different collections that I can buy to add for the mice such as a tent or even a bonfire set. Or I can give the kids the supplies to create their own playsets, as seen below. It’s one way to keep their interest sparked.
Kids have a great imagination and I think imaginative play is so important as a way to explore and experience new things. These toys provide hours of fun for everyone which is one of the reasons this company stands out to me.
They’re a Danish design brand and are located in Atlanta, GA. Each one of their toys is a limited release and will become a collectible. That’s why I wanted to kick off my gift guide with this company so you can head over early and get a start on your own collectible collection.
I’d love to know what everyone thinks of the Hiker Mice story-making collection and which item in it is your favorite. If you can, leave me a comment so I can get a feel of what kinds of toys your kids like for Christmas gift ideas.