One of the most difficult steps that any parent has to take is placing their child into childcare. Although there are plenty of studies that show the benefits of early childcare for children, that doesn’t necessarily make it easier to do the right thing.
That’s why you need to follow these steps, it will help you to prepare yourself for their first day, and subsequent days.
There is no substitute for good research and it’s simply not possible to start too early! You need to talk to friends and family regarding what choices they made and which places they recommend.
You should also take a look at social media to see the feedback other parents provide about different child care centers or you can even search on Toddle. Don’t worry if some comments are negative, as long as the majority are positive. Ideally, the negative comments will have been well-treated by the child care center.
All the comments will help you to get an accurate picture of each center.
The Schedule
The next step is to look at the schedule. While your child will learn a lot at the right Croydon early learning center, you need to ensure that fun remains central to their day. This is the best way for children to learn and it helps to ensure they remain children for as long as possible.
You should check the schedule of possible child care centers to ensure you’re happy with the way they’ll be looking after and teaching your child.
The Visit
You can’t choose a child care center without visiting it to see what the facilities are like. You and your child are always welcome to visit hervey bay child care centres. More importantly, you need to see what the carers are like, how they interact with each other and how they behave around the children.
It’s essential that you’re completely happy with them and feel at ease at the center. If you have any doubts these will simply increase throughout the day, while your child is away from you. It’s essential that you address these concerns or choose another child care center.
Don’t limit your visit to just one. It’s a good idea to visit several times and even see if they’ll let your child interact with the others, this will help to reassure you.
Build A Routine
Once you’ve chosen the right place you should be confident in your decision. You’ve done the research, visited the place, and should be happy that they have the best interests of your child. Now you need to prepare yourself, and your child, for the first day. Separating for the first time can be difficult for both of you.
Try doing a role-playing game that allows you and your child to switch between being the child and the parent. You should get ready together, including putting coats on, tying shoes, and anything else you’re likely to do first thing in the morning.
Then practice saying goodbye and follow through by leaving the room.
The fact you always return will help to reassure your child when you leave them at your chosen childcare. Just remember to stick to your routine.
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