The average cost of a dental checkup in 2023 is around $150 to $200. This covers a cleaning and the checkup you must have every 6 or 12 months. If you need further treatment, the cost of this can rise dramatically. Even the best dentist can give you a fright when they present you with the bill if you need extensive treatment, so knowing how to keep dental costs down and reduce the amount you spend on your dental care is vital to avoid massive bills.
This post looks at some of the easiest ways to reduce your dentist bill without compromising on dental care.
Go for your checkups.
The best way to reduce your bills is actually to go for your checkups. These serve as a way for your dentist to see the condition of your mouth and catch any issues before they become any worse. Correcting issues when the problem is beginning is easier and cheaper than when it’s caused more damage. So go for your checkups, keep up with preventative care, and pay the bills that come with emergency dental treatments.
Upgrade your oral care routine.
Improving the products you use to clean your teeth and mouth can help you avoid massive dental bills, as can how you clean your teeth. Be careful when brushing too close to the gums, brush at a 45-degree angle, and use water to rinse debris from the mouth. Using an electric toothbrush can often give you a better clean, and rinsing your mouth with water after eating can dislodge any debris and remove residue from eating and drinking. Don’t forget its floss, too, with string floss, a water flosser, interdental brushes, or pre-crafted dental sticks.
Dental savings plan
A dental savings plan is a plan that you take out with your dentist or help to reduce the cost of your bills. This is very beneficial for those on Medicare or without employer-provided dental insurance, but anyone can take out a plan to benefit from extra savings. While you can get reduced costs on preventative treatments, this comes in handy for emergency or restorative dental care, which can be more expensive.
Dental Insurance
Dental insurance, if you don’t get it from your employers or it’s not covered in your healthcare plan, can be extremely helpful for those keeping on top of their preventive appointments. This means your regular checkups and cleaning appointments. For a set monthly fee, you might find that preventative appointments are covered 100% by the insurance, and other treatments such as extractions, fillings, and x-rays are reduced thanks to your insurance coverage.
Savings account/flexible payments
It’s worth asking your dentist if they have a savings account or flexible savings scheme. This allows you to make payments ahead of needing treatments for “just in case.” You can build up a savings account with your dentist to cover future bills like you would sinking funds from a rainy day fund. This way, your bill might not impact you as severely as if you needed to find it all in one go. Your dentist might even offer a discount for this option as the funds will be ready to pay instantly or ahead of time.
Saving money at the dentist can mean you need to be clever about how you approach your dental treatments and look at all of the options available to you before booking appointments. But doing so offers you the best chance of saving money and keeping those bills low.