Effective Techniques To Prevent Pressure Sores in The Elderly

Effective Techniques To Prevent Pressure Sores in The Elderly

Pressure sores occur when someone stays in the same position for an extended period of time. In effect, one point of the skin remains in contact with the ground and the weight of the body goes through it. 

It is a common issue for older people, especially if they are bedbound or spend most of their time sitting in one chair. 

In effect, the skin and underlying tissue are damaged from this prolonged pressure. Pressure sores commonly occur on the boniest parts of the body where there is little fat to prevent damage. This includes your ankles, hips, and tailbone. 

Once pressure sores have developed they will get worse and, if not looked after, they can result in infections. These can enter the bloodstream and prove fatal.

If you’re at risk of pressure sores you need to know how to prevent them.

Reposition Frequently

The best approach is not to sit or lay for too long a period. In other words, get up and move around. However, this isn’t always an option as there may be underlying medical conditions or disabilities that prevent moving around.

If this is the case it is important to move your position frequently.

At least once every hour you should shift your body. Consider which parts are currently under pressure and focus on relieving them, while placing the pressure elsewhere. This allows the pressure points to recover. 

It can help to invest in hospital recliner chairs as these can be electronically moved, allowing you to effortlessly change your position. 

If you are able, it can also be a good idea to do push-ups in your chair. This means putting your arms on the side of the chair and lifting your body upward. 

Purchase Speciality Cushions

You’ll find an array of cushions on the market that can help relieve pressure on your body and reduce the likelihood of pressure sores. 

These can be designed to simply distribute pressure better or you can get cushions with holes in to lift the pressure point off the surface.


If you’re struggling to move around then it can be difficult to look after your skin properly. But, if you’re at risk of pressure sores it is very important that you wash your body regularly and used moisturizing creams. This will help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, reducing the likelihood of pressure sores. 

If you need help doing this then ask, that’s what the professionals are for. 

Watch Your Diet

Effective Techniques To Prevent Pressure Sores in The Elderly

In order to stay as healthy as possible, you need to consider your diet and water intake. Drinking eight glasses of water a day will help you to stay hydrated. It will also potentially increase the amount you need to urinate, forcing you to move and relieve the pressure on your body. 

Your diet should avoid processed foods and focus on getting all the nutrients your body needs. It’s best to opt for a natural diet rich in whole foods. It will benefit your overall health as well as reduce the chances of pressure sores. 

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