How Best To Groom Your Dog

How Best To Groom Your Dog

When it comes to taking care of our family and how they carry themselves, appearance can make a big difference, people form opinions about us whether they know us or not. And, we do play some part in it by letting ourselves be seen in a specific way, so making sure we are slim and trim shows that we take pride in how we carry ourselves.

This goes the same for our pets, they are, after all, a member of the family are they not? Hence the revolution of dog grooming, salon trips, and beauty procedures taking off over the last few years. 

When I was growing up hosing the dog down in the garden was about as much grooming as they got, we played on the grass with a wet pup chasing us and slobbering on us and we loved it. A quick towel dry and we were back in the house sat on the sofa watching cartoons. Life was so simple back then.

What is dog grooming?

What we know, in today’s terms, is that grooming your dog refers to how you maintain their hygiene, their cleanliness, and their outward physical appearance. 

Are there coats trimmed in the right areas for the best look aesthetically, are their nails cut and filed for maximum beauty and is the coat or fur in its top conditioned state? A lot goes into keeping your furry friend looking like a star, and they are our babies, so we do it. 

There are many positives when it comes to the maintenance of our pet’s health, some of which you can read about here, but let’s see the main reasons that come up when asking why owners send their pets to a doggy salon.

5 Benefits of dog grooming


  • Shedding. With regular appointments to the salon, a healthy coat maintains its strength and in turn prevents excess shedding. The follicles are stronger and keep their shape through the year and seasons.
  • Appearance. Like with us, coming freshly out of a long bathroom session leaves us feeling revived. You feel and look better, and the same goes for them, they smell like a holiday and ice-cream and that’s always a good thing.
  • Health. Ensuring they are receiving the best treatment in the looks department, it goes further with regards to their well-being. Groomers can check and keep an eye on their skin conditions, dental, and any underlying health issues that could arise and be treated with early detection.
  • Nails. I didn’t think this was something to consider until I read about all the advantages. Cutting and trimming their nails helps keep them short and prevent snagging and ripping. Infections also play a role when the nails are too long, and foot posture and structure is reinforced with proper paw care.
  • Equipment. You can be safe in knowing that professional groomers have the supplies of the highest quality, meeting all standards and regulations and are certified to give you the best care possible. With high-end products, you can help prevent skin irritations from products that don’t necessarily care for your pet and their coats.


How Best To Groom Your Dog

Speaking of equipment and having the right tools to hand, a grooming table is essential in the easy management of your pet. It works the same as a beauty table, all the products and brushes are at your fingertips and help the pet feels comfortable while having a treatment done.

How to choose a grooming table?

With all the new products coming out there are so many options to look into: which among the options have the best features, the most affordable or provide the best accessories? It can be overwhelming, yes even when shopping for doggy supplies, and knowing where to start can be tricky. 

For a quick guide and helping hand to get you on the right path, look at this link for the top dog grooming tables and see the reviews on each with their pros and cons.  Take your time when deciding which is best suited to you, your home and most importantly, your furball child.

First and foremost you are going to have to think of size, of the table, of your dog and essentially the space you have available for storage when not in use. This is also determined by the amount of grooming you intend on doing, 1 dog won’t need as much as say if you had 4 dogs and if it folds up for ease of traveling, all the better.

Then, as much as we would love all the frills of the salon tables, they are not necessary for home use, the features may not be used and could affect your budget when it comes to choice.

Take into consideration all factors that will affect your life, your schedule and make it as convenient for you and your pup. Looking good shouldn’t be hard work.

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