Why Tech Companies are now offering fertility benefits

Why Tech Companies are now offering fertility benefits

There is some excellent news! Because infertility is rampant, there are some very smart employers who are offering fertility benefits. The credit goes out to the awareness that people who have suffered from infertility have created, and it finally has made a difference.

Infertility is defined as either a failure to conceive or maintain a pregnancy after 12 months, or having a known condition that affects fertility even before trying for a baby has not started. In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA) has recognized infertility as a disease in June of 2017.

Fortunately, there are methods that can help couples who are struggling with infertility to have a baby which are in-vitro fertilization(IVF), artificial or intrauterine insemination (IUI), ovarian stimulation, and other fertility drugs or surgery.

Unfortunately, infertility is rampant, and these treatments are incredibly expensive. There is a large percentage of couples around the world who have to overcome infertility before they can have their own biological kids which can take many years to do, not to mention it is very costly financially, mentally, and emotionally.

If fertility treatments end up failing, couples either try to use donor eggs or sperm, may hire a surrogate, or adopt if they want to go through that route. However, those options are costly and not easy either. Sadly, many who have not been able to achieve that, end up becoming childless and may adopt pets instead.

However, in more instances than not, infertility can be overcome especially if it is from mild to moderate and achieving a healthy pregnancy and baby does happen.

And as mentioned previously, going through fertility treatments is very costly, and couples who are going through it pray that something does work.

And the good news is, more and more companies are beginning to offer fertility benefit plans to employees and new recruits. That is because thanks to the education and awareness about infertility, it has finally made a dent. They are doing this as well because they want to keep their employees and if their employees are unhappy, they will either have a poor work ethic or quit if they find another company that has better plans.

There are about 15 states where fertility and infertility benefits are mandated by the state legislature. The types of coverage will vary from seeing a reproductive endocrinologist, fertility specialist, the type of medication as well as how much it will cover expensive treatments such as IVF.

Employers of different markets such as retail, tech, telecom, and professional services want to provide family-friendly fertility benefits to their employees. In fact, close to 70% of large companies offer some sort of fertility assistance as part of their health insurance plans. But the great news is that this is spreading to smaller companies, and eventually all companies will be able to provide fertility treatment coverage to their employees.

There are some insurance plans that already offer coverage to larger companies which includes covering complete access to a fertility specialist, egg or sperm donor, egg freezing, fertility drugs, IUI, IVF, even surrogacy and adoption are included.

Research has also shown that 68% of millennials are taking coverage for fertility preservation such as egg freezing and take this into consideration when they are looking for an employer. Since many millennials want to wait to have kids until their careers have been well established, and that they have lived their lives by traveling or whatever they choose to do before settling down, they want to have their eggs preserved. If an employer does not offer egg-freezing coverage, then talent will be lost. Therefore, employers must include this in their insurance plans in order to maintain talent and job loyalty, and hire millennials that want to work for their companies.

The problem lies in the fact that a woman’s most productive and professional years conflict with her most fertile years. The truth is that some companies would rather hire women in their 20’s and 30’s as opposed to women in their 40’s and 50’s when their childbearing years come to an end. It sounds like age discrimination but it is a fact. Many couples prefer younger women to hire because older women are more set in their ways, have certain expectations, and sometimes too much experience which ironically is not what many companies want.

The other problem is that career-oriented women tend to finish up school later, especially if they are studying law or medicine and end up starting their careers in their later 20’s, and need to establish themselves before settling down and having a family, which means they will be in their late 30’s to early ’40s by the time they get to that point.

The problem with women who are waiting that long to have kids is that women have a smaller number of eggs left, the eggs are not as healthy, and they are more likely to have health conditions that can cause infertility. Older women are also more likely to have miscarriages.

This is why egg freezing is very important for women who are in their 20’s and early 30’s so they don’t face problems with conceiving when they are older. And data conducted by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine shows that 1/3 of women will have difficulty conceiving after the age of 35, and 2/3 of women will not be able to conceive without treatment if they try to get pregnant over 40.

Therefore, fertility benefits that can reduce costs for couples undergoing fertility treatments and consultations with their specialists, and improve health outcomes are appealing for employees. There are also many LGBT couples and same-sex couples who want to have kids that will need this help as well. There are even single men and women who want kids, who will need to hire a surrogate (for men) or a sperm donor (for women) that will need this help.

Because of everything mentioned above, it is absolutely necessary for employers to offer fertility benefits in their insurance plans so they can keep their employees loyal, happy, retain talent, and be able to hire new employees as well.


  1. This is such a good news and relief. I know so many people who are facing infertility. These will help and encourage them so much!

  2. I am glad to see this. I struggled with fertility issues before I had my first so I know first hand the struggles and although I was able to conceive without major expenses, I know that financial issues can impact an already exhausting, emotionally draining experience.

  3. This is great news! Starting a family in your 30’s might not be as easy as trying at 20-something. I am happy to see this, thanks for sharing!

  4. That’s great they are doing things to help out with fertility. I think tech companies getting involved with things like this will encourage more women to consider getting into technology careers in the long run. And that’s great.

  5. I think it is great that these options are available for couples who are trying to conceive. It’s a very difficult and sad predicament to be in, unfortunately.

  6. well that is super amazing and really good.
    I know at my place there isn’t such a thing!
    hope this continues elsewhere.

  7. I was not aware of this. It is not being publicized in the UK, which is a shame really. I am not at that stage of life where I’d need help with fertility but it is always good to know!

  8. I think it’s wonderful that some doors are opening. I have seen some couples really struggle through fertility issues, and to have an employer support their efforts would definitely be amazing.

  9. Wow! I had no idea! This is awesome news

  10. Well thats amazing if there are some companies offering that. That is super considerate!

  11. This is a really nice benefit employers can give to their employees. And I’m glad to know that there are already a few states who are mandating this. I’m hopeful that it’s only a matter of time before other states follow.

  12. This is some great news! We still have a long way to go but things like this let me know we are making strides.


  13. Wow. This is absolutely great information for couples working and really wanting to start a family as well. I think it will make things a bit easier on those kinds of couples.

  14. This is good news for couples who are working while also trying to have a baby. I think the extra financial support is a great way to support an employee especially when they’re dealing with infertility. It’s definitely a smart move!

  15. I think it’s great that the tech companies are stepping up to the plate. It’s widely known that spending numerous hours in front of a monitor decreases ones ability to procreate. Good to know the tech companies are trying to help out.

  16. What amazing news for those who are struggling with infertility. More couples are waiting so long because of financial aspects and careers.

  17. I think these fertility benefits are great! I can imagine how stressful it must be trying to start a family. I love the idea of incorporating these benefits as they are very important in a families lives. Super interesting article! Thanks for sharing this info xx

  18. As a mother, my heart goes out to women and their husbands who can not have children. Fertility benefits should be available from all employers.

  19. I just love this! There should always be fertility options to those who need it. Otherwise it can be too costly for people!

  20. Such fantastic news and it’s been a long time coming, it’s great to see fertility news being at the forefront of thinking

  21. This is a really good news for couples. Infertility is increasing nowadays either due to bad lifestyle and late age marriages.

  22. It’s definitely harder to start a family when you are in your 30s. I know a couple that had been trying for a few years now without success. The fertility benefits will definitely make it a bit less stressful for couples who are trying to start a family.

    1. It is harder the older we get. My daughter works with a lady who couldn’t get pregnant and thought she would never have children. She tried a fertility option at age 45 and she’s now 48 and a mom.

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