My cat is insane, no really, my cat is insane. She’s a beast. Every morning, before I even have my coffee, she trips me up trying to get to the kitchen to make coffee, because she wants me to feed her first. The thing is, her food is always full. Oh, there might be a handful of it missing that she’s already eaten, but in her mind, that makes her bowl empty. And there’s no reasoning with her. Her needs must be met before I can hydrate my brain with my beloved coffee. Every morning, without fail, she waits for me to wake up in one or two locations. By my bed on her tower, on on the bar in the kitchen. She likes to keep me on edge.
She has other quirks as well. She goes outside with Peanut and she expects a treat when she comes in even though she prefers to do her dirty deeds inside. She insists I change her litter box every morning before she uses it, even though I clean it out every time she does use it. After I change it she uses it then the fight is on again for her new litter. My local DG must think I have dozens of cats because of the amount of litter I buy weekly.
Yeah, she’s one picky cat and it’s not always easy to try to please her. But I have recently managed to get over her food ordeal with a WOPET. Thanks to her new WOPET feeder, I can now wake up and head to my coffee pot instead of tending to my finicky cat. I no longer worry that she’s going to claw me to death during one of her temper tantrums. Cat owners can relate I’m sure. You might be wondering what a WOPET is, and I’m fixing to tell you.
I don’t recall how I first heard of WOPET, perhaps I was googling how to manage my insane cat’s feeding habits. Or, I might have been specifically looking for a cat feeder. But either way, I now own a WOPET. I was intrigued by a product that is an automatic feed device. I also thought that by having a new eating product, it might help Chelsea’s never-ending boredom. And then there was the coolness aspect of a WOPET. Take a peek at what all this product can do.
Now that I can feed her without actually having to scoop her food in her bowl every morning, I’m now also able to limit what she can eat and when she can eat it. Chelsea is overweight. I think it’s mainly just the kind of cat she is, but I do know that 25 lbs is not a healthy weight for her. It’s hard on her little legs and I’m sure her heart too. For whatever reason, when her food is empty in her WOPET, she accepts that and waits patiently for her next feeding. I would have never gotten away with that in her other feeding dish. One of my favorite features is the 10-second video voice recording. My “here kitty-kitty” makes her think I’m in the bathroom where I keep her food and lets her know it’s time to eat while I stumble to the kitchen to make my cup of java.
You can click on my link to learn more about this product and to buy your own. This is not a sponsored post, I just wanted to share my latest find with all of my dog and cat loving readers. You see, the WOPET isn’t just for cats.
I have a wopet but no user manual. Where can I have one?
Here you go. I hope this helps.