7 Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Summer in 2020

7 Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Summer in 2020

It’s more important than ever to take heed of public health guidelines as COVID-19 cases and deaths rise after much of the world let its guard down over the last couple of months. But that doesn’t mean that you have no room to enjoy summer.

Quite to the contrary, in fact: Properly distancing for public health means extra hours with your family and other household members. There’s no reason not to make the most of that time with fun summer activities. Here are seven great options to get the gears turning.

1. Make Use of What You Have

Having summer fun with kids doesn’t have to mean going out, and it doesn’t have to mean spending money. It’s a great time to bring back tin can phones and refrigerator box sock puppet theaters. 

All you need for days and days of fun is your recycling bin, a lot of imagination, and a few craft supplies.  

2. Make Mealtime an Event

For many, summer isn’t the same without a long series of backyard barbecues, house parties, and potlucks. It’s true that it’s not a good idea to have a big group of people over. In many places, it’s downright banned right now.

That doesn’t mean that mealtime fun has to stop. Gather your household for a backyard barbecue. Check out these grill reviews for guidance on keeping your grill up-to-date. 

3. Enjoy Summer With DIY Desserts

What’s a good summer meal without a refreshing dessert at the end? Lucky for you, you’ll never find out. This delicious DIY ice cream is so easy that this is all you need to know:

Take a can of coconut milk and a can of condensed milk and plop them in a bowl. Add any flavorings of choice to taste and a little bit of salt, stir it up and put that in the freezer. You can stir every few hours for a creamier treat or just let it freeze.

That’s all there is to it—honest! Other fun, easy DIY desserts include mud pies and shaved ice. You can make campfire dump cakes, s’mores and other hot treats over a fire or on the grill if burning is illegal in your area. 

4. Beat the Heat With a Good Book

Work, school, doctor’s appointments, playdates, romantic dates… Chances are, at least a good chunk of whatever your schedule is filled with is online. Why not get off the internet for once to have some fun?

Pull out a favorite picture book, paperback, e-reader, or audiobook and read the heat of the day away. This is one idea that you can never exhaust with all the books available to you, and it’s good for the entire family.

5. Let Your Feelings out With a Creative Project

Being creative isn’t just a way to fill time. It’s also a healthy way to process emotions and to generate a sense of fulfillment. No matter who you are or how old you are, there’s something creative you can do. 

Working alone with friends and family, try some of these creative ideas:

  • Write a short story
  • Pen a skit or play
  • Start a poetry circle
  • Sing a song of your own
  • Grab some instruments and start a family band
  • Make a board game
  • Collaborate on sidewalk chalk art
  • Decorate your window with a hopeful DIY poster
  • Paint each others’ portraits
  • Draw otherworldly imaginary animals or aliens
  • Make household T-shirts

That’s just a small selection of the options available to you. The truth is that you can do any creative project you put your mind to if you have the resources and patience to complete the project.

Creative activities right now are a good way to exercise control over something. This is important because of how many things are out of your control right now. Calling the shots on a song or art project is a way to reclaim your life without driving your family nuts by micromanaging their lives!

6. Nature’s Still Waiting for You

To keep our communities healthy, it’s important to maintain social distancing rules. It’s apparent that the measures taken weren’t enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, so limitations on outdoor activities are more common than they once were. While a block party isn’t a good idea, the wild outdoors is still there for your enjoyment.

When hitting the trails with your family or housemates, still make sure to wear masks. It might seem silly, but think about all the times you’ve turned the corner on a trail and come face-to-face with someone else’s family. Masks are key to making that kind of interaction as safe as possible.

7. Staying Safe Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable

All of these tips for what to do for fun this summer aren’t worth a thing if you and your loved ones aren’t safe and healthy to give them a try.

It might be scary to think about the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with children. Yet, burying your head in the sand puts you in a compromising position. If anything goes wrong, the situation is made worse by your lack of information.

Public health is a serious matter, but you can make staying safe less miserable with some creative thinking. Consider these ideas:

For kids, turning safety activities like washing their hands, distancing, and avoiding touching their faces into games is a fun way to familiarize them with valuable skills. Making DIY face coverings—ideally with three or more layers—in fun fabrics and patterns makes following regulations easier for people of all ages. 

Family and Lifestyle News for Today

While nobody wants these circumstances, many families are spending more time together this summer due to social distancing requirements. These seven ideas for how to enjoy summer in 2020 should help you make the most of your family time.

Once you have an idea in mind, check out the rest of our blog for the specifics. We have all the family activities and news that matter to you and yours right here.

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