Discover The Different Types of Dental and Oral Diseases

Discover The Different Types of Dental and Oral Diseases

Dental disease isn’t something that just affects old people. While some of the disease described here are a result of age or other factors, many are a result of a lack of oral care. These are diseases that could easily be avoided by regular visits to a reputable dentist, such as this Erskineville dentist.

The simple fact is that there are too many people with an oral disease that have allowed it to occur through a lack of care. This is demonstrated by the increasing occurrences of toothache in adult Australians. 

It’s important to note that research shows your oral health is connected to your overall health. Failing to look after oral health increases plaque and bacteria in the body which can result in cardiovascular issues and even affect your mental abilities.

Here are the most common oral diseases, you should be aware of what they are and their symptoms. In the first place, you’ll want to avoid getting these diseases. But, if you have the symptoms you’ll want to get prompt assistance from your dentist. And if you need a dentist, check out the professional dental clinic in Naples.

Cavities & Decay

Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. These react when you eat sugar, the by-product of this reaction is acid, which attacks the enamel on your teeth. Over time, if you don’t look after your teeth properly, the enamel is worn away, leaving a hole. This is known as a cavity and needs to be cleaned and filled. If you don’t it will become worse, destroying the root of the tooth. This will result in root canal or tooth loss.

Cavities & tooth decay are some of the most common tooth issues but they can be resolved with early treatment. 

Periodontal Disease

This is the technical name for gum disease. It’s often associated with failing to flow your teeth. The result is a buildup of plaque which attacks your gums causing periodontal disease. The main symptoms are bleeding gums when you brush your teeth or eat crunchy food. 

You can also experience tenderness in your gums, they may become swollen, and you’ll have frequent mouth sores. It’s also common to find the space between your teeth enlarging.

A deep cleaning by your dentist can remove the plaque and allow your gums to heal, giving you the opportunity to take better care of them.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can occur in your throat, lips, cheeks, or even your tongue. It has very few symptoms in the early stages, only a dental visit will be able to identify them. That’s one reason to go for your check-up regularly. 

As it develops you’ll experience swollen lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing, ulcers that won’t heal, and bleeding.  It can be treated but early diagnosis is essential.

Oral Thrush

White sores or lesions on your mouth lining are a sign of oral thrush. You may also experience cracked skin at the corner of your mouth, a burning sensation when swallowing, and a reduced appetite. 

It can be treated but good oral hygiene prevents it from occurring in the first place.

Photo by Anna Shvets from

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