Health Hacks From Home Improvements

Health Hacks From Home Improvements

There are a surprising number of ways your home can impact your health. And, unless you are ready to make some changes, they can all add up to cause you more illness and discomfort than you might think. In today’s guide, we’re going to go through some of the best home upgrades you can make that can also have a positive impact on your health. Try them out – and with a little luck, your health will improve!

Air conditioning

How old is your HVAC system and when was the last time you had a service or asked an AC contractor to inspect your unit? If you aren’t sure, then there’s a good chance it is affecting your health. Air conditioner units can become a breeding ground for bacteria, bugs, and mold over time, and it only takes a few months for it to take hold. Once you turn it on, all those little microscopic beauties are spread around your home like wildfire, which can lead to significant breathing difficulties for people with conditions like asthma. It might be time for a new air conditioner installation if you or any of your family spends a lot of your day sneezing, coughing, and wheezing.

Improve your health with natural lighting

Many folks enjoy the visual and aesthetic benefits of bringing more natural light into their homes. But aesthetics only tells half the story – there is some interesting evidence that it makes you feel physically better, as well. A 1980s study suggested that surgery patients recovered almost ten percent quicker if they had a nicer view than others. And, they took far fewer painkillers than those patients who could only look out at a brick wall. So, if you ever need the inspiration to knock down the bricks and replace them with glass bifold doors, that should be all the excuse you need.

A more comfortable bed

Sleep problems are incredibly damaging to your health and can lead to physical issues, stress, and can also impact your brain in a bad way. If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, a common culprit is your mattress. One thing you can try is to buy a sleep tracker to track your sleeping patterns and see if you are spending a lot of the night in discomfort. If your tracker shows you tossing and turning a lot, it’s a pretty good sign you could gain a lot from investing in a new, more suitable mattress for your bed.

Buy some plants

Finally, not all healthy home upgrades are expensive. But you don’t have to spend a fortune – buying some indoor plants gives your household health a huge amount of benefits. Not only can they improve the quality of the air you are all breathing and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but they can also reduce your stress levels, too. Plants are known to have a calming and anxiety-relieving effect on people, so head to your local garden center and invest in some indoor flora. Most indoor varieties only need to be watered a couple of times a week – which is a cheap price to pay for the health benefits they bring.


  1. These are all great tips! I love natural lightning and having plants around. I’ve always wanted to have a penthouse, so I can have lots of natural lightning and a pretty view. Thank you for sharing!


  2. We are in the process of redecorating out entire house and I found your post very helpful

  3. I agree with all of them. Especially the plants. They really brighten the home and make me happy. Its like paradise at home and at a low cost like you said.

  4. My husband and I finally spent money on a good bed and it made such a big difference! We will never buy a “cheap” bed again!

  5. I just moved into a new apartment so I definitely will be using these tips! I need to get some plants in my environment! Do you recommend any plants that can live in a room without a lot of sunlight!?

  6. This is the year that I need to get a new mattress. My husband and I have had the same one for 14 years so we are well overdue. Your post reminded me that it isn’t just a want, its a need!

  7. So true, that you can achieve better health starting with our homes. Thanks for sharing this list. I’ll have to rethink some of the things in our home and how we could be doing better.

  8. Sudipta Dev Chakraborti

    This is an excellent post. Thank you for the wonderful tips. I must call my AC mechanic soon.

  9. I like to run my air purifer in every room once a week and find it really helps with my allergies.

  10. Loved the benefits natural light brings apart from getting the best food shots. 😉 That’s one great share.

  11. I changed my lighting to natural lighting recently. It’s really surprising how many benefits it gives you!

  12. All excellent tips. As a Floridian, natural light is an absolute must! So is A/C actually, lol. Love the photos you chose also – so interesting!

  13. Those are some great tips. I am always on the look out for improvement tips like these. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  14. Even though I’m cringing thinking about what’s living in the AC everything was very informative and I’ll definitely be using these tips. I’ve been getting terrible sleep lately so the mattress might need to go lol

  15. I found your blog post enlightening because I am a very attentive person to these things yet I still could not at home to be “green” as I wanted. I’ll follow your advice!

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