Choosing the right boots for horse riding or working around the barn and in stables, is very essential if you want to enjoy your riding experience fully. You will want to protect your feet from any potential injuries, mud and also be able to do justice to your riding skills or feeding the horses, that’s why it’s important to choose the right boots for yourself.
Footwear like sneakers, wedges, ballerinas, sports shoes is not the ideal footwear for riding horses or working in the barn. Even if you’re an occasional rider, you still need to have the right, country boots. One thing that you must keep in mind is that whatever style of boots you choose, they should have a 1 inch (2.5cm) to 1 ½ inch heel so that they don’t slip through the stirrup.
So here’s a list of different country boots meant for different purposes.
Field Boots
These boots offer great flexibility and comfort for a rider to jump onto the horse. They have extra room through the ankle, which is a great fit for a rider with short stirrups. These are ideally used in jumping competitions, hunter riders, hunt seat equitation, etc.
Dress Boots
These are a traditional English tall boot style meant for more support on the ankle and mostly meant for dressage events. They are stiffer and are mostly available in black color without laces.
Hunt Boots or Top Boots
These are quite similar to the dress boots, but these are meant for formal dresses and outfits. Although hunt clubs may have their own set of dress codes and regulations, these are quite good and apt for formal hunting events.
Short English Riding Boots
They follow the same outline as that of tall riding boots but are shorter in length and are the best fit for riding practice and basic barn activities. Many young riders, who are just starting out with their riding careers, use these types of boots.
Paddock Boots
These are also known as Jodhpur riding boots and can also be worn with half chaps for a look of taller riding boots. The smooth, flat sole and the heels are designed so that the boots don’t get stuck or slip through the stirrup. It is designed with high ankles to provide support to the rider. These are typically acceptable and used by young riders and children.
Muck Boots
These shoes are a great fit for anyone who works closely with horses and in barns. They are waterproof, so ideal for wet and rainy conditions. They are extremely easy to maintain and clean. All you need to do is wash them with water and they are ready to shine again.
Wellington Boots
These boots come in lots of different patterns and designs. They are exclusively raining boots, meant to be worn outside in the rain for barn work, feeding the horses, and other outdoor activities of the like.
Western Riding Boots
These are also known as cowboy or cowgirl boots and are meant for fashionable purposes and are great for riding with western saddles. If you are planning to ride with western saddles and want a unique design to compliment your personality and outfit, western riding boots are the ideal choice.
These are also great for matching with a casual outfit for non-riding days. Square toe cowboy boots are also a common choice for work boots around the barn or farm that can also double as a style choice.
If you choose the right country boots, they can be a great pair for riding, working in the barn, rainy season, etc. If you choose the right boots for the right purpose, your work can be made easy and less messy. If you go for some designed boots, they can make a great fashion statement as well.
I love wearing boots in winters. These are some great choices. It’s really interesting to know about so many types of boots. I am also looking forward to bring in a pair of dress boots.
This is amazing. I have had a boot before 4 years ago. It was fun to wear them.
I had no idea there are so many styles of boots! I agree that with the right type of boots, your country experience is heightened.
So many types of boots and I’ll agree that with the right type of boots, your country experience is heightened. I’d love great boots for horseback riding.
I had no idea that there were so many country boots, but it makes sense. I like that they have some specifically f or fashion as well as function.
I didn’t realize there were so many cool pairs of boots out there in so many widely varying ranges and styles. I know my daughter would be very interested in this as she loves her boots.
I never know this much difference in each boots. I only that only one existed , great info. I learned so much.
Learn a lot from you. I never know boots have so many types. Gonna share this post to my girlfriend
I just know about ankle, above the ankle, sock , knee high and above the knee boots! This is amazing
I never knew that there were so many different types of boots. I have always loved the look of them with jeans.
I love boots. one of my favorite things about walking the malls in Nashville TN was looking at all of the stores dedicated to boots. These were several hundred dollar boots though, fancy wearing boots, not so much for actual use. Still gorgeous and jaw dropping how detailed the work on them could get. I want a pair for myself someday, but im waiting until it doesn’t hurt to hand over so much money for something that could possibly step in mud or dog droppings lol.
I’m from Poland, so I’ll probably have no chance to choose my own country boots. It was interesting to get to know what to pay my attention to while possibly choosing such boots. 🙂
I love boots but don’t get to wear them as much as I want just b/c it is always so Hot down here in FL lol. I did wear boots for my wedding a few years back and it was so much fun. They were white and sparkly!
Wow! A few years ago when I visited Tennessee there were boots and guitars everywhere. I did not know that there were so many variations and uses. I own about 3 pairs of dress boots but the 1 pair of field boots I have owned for 5 years and worn them nearly every day during winter (so comfy).
I had no idea cowboy boots had so many options to choose from. I like the rugged look of the cowboy boots.
I love my cowboy boots. I’ll admit, though, I chose them for fashion, not function. I got them for country dancing in college. There’s just something fun about wearing country boots.
I’ve never owned a pair of cowboy boots before, but I’ve always wanted some! Next time I will know what to choose.
I love these! I’m in Texas, so boots are everywhere. I actually don’t own a pair yet! I tend to prefer my sneakers.
So many styles of boots. I usually choose the ones that are in colors and fit my fat feet.
Oh my I didn’t even know there were different kinds of boots me being me just thought okay one pair can be good for all. Thank you for educating me.
I love wearing country boots, but I think I always do it the wrong way because I do not have the right knowledge to make them work in an outfit. With your advice I should have no more problems;)
I have always loved boots – and these are no exception! I must admit, I learnt a lot from this post! I had no idea about all of the varieties!