Difficulty in getting or staying pregnant is an issue affecting many women. Infertility not only affects emotional health, but it can also put a strain on your relationship with your partner. At University Reproductive Associates, Dr. Michael Cho specializes in individualized care for both men and female infertility, offering solutions to enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
Understanding Infertility
Infertility is an issue that affects both men and women. It is a condition that causes difficulty in conceiving a child or staying pregnant.
Causes of female infertility may include:
- Ovulation complications- The major causes of infertility in women are ovulation complications and are usually caused by eating disorders, tumors, and hormonal changes such as:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Hyperprolactinemia is a condition that leads to an increase in prolactin levels
- Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
- Uterine or cervical abnormalities- Uterine fibroids cause blockage in the fallopian tubes hindering a fertilized egg implantation in the uterus.
- Salpingitis- A pelvic inflammatory disease that causes blockage of the fallopian tube.
- Endometriosis- A condition that develops when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus and may alter the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes’ structure and functioning.
- Primary ovarian insufficiency which causes early menopause
- Cancer and its treatment- Reproductive cancers, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments affect a woman’s ability to conceive.
Prevention of infertility
Improving your lifestyle can enhance your chances of getting pregnant. Some of the lifestyle changes that help prevent infertility include:
- Regularly exercising- Exercising is important to keep you healthy and active. However, it is important to keep exercises moderate.
- Regularly going for physical checkups when pregnant- This will help your care provider monitor your fetus’s development and thus detect complications before they become serious.
- Quit smoking- Smoking tobacco affects fertility and is harmful to your fetus.
- Weight Management- Being overweight or underweight can affect hormone production leading to infertility. Maintain a healthy diet to manage your weight.
- Limiting caffeine intake- High levels of caffeine may affect your fertility, making it difficult for you to conceive.
What to expect during an infertility evaluation
During your first visit, your medical care provider will first conduct a comprehensive physical examination to determine the cause of your infertility. Your gynecological, medical, and family history, as well as your partner’s medical record, will also be reviewed during the physical exam.
The physical exam usually involves a pelvic exam together with diagnostic tests such as an ultrasound or MRI.
It is important to let your care provider know of your lifestyle and any medications you might be taking.
Treatment of infertility
At University Reproductive Associates, individualized treatment plans are usually developed to manage your infertility, depending on your condition.
There are different types of infertility treatment plans, including:
- Taking supplements that balance your hormone levels and prescription medications that enhance ovulation
- In vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Surgery to eliminate tumors, inflammation, and blockages that hinder conception
To learn more about infertility, contact University Reproductive Associates to schedule your appointment.
Image by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels.