What is repeated miscarriage?

What is repeated miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriages can be traumatic and devastating if you experience two or more in a row. The losses result from chromosomes, genetics, abnormalities, and random events. Are you tired of these miscarriages? Conduct Dr. Peter Chang, M.D, at Noble Fertility Center, which specializes in New York recurrent miscarriage by providing testing to determine the underlying cause and offers treatment to prevent further losses and emotional stress.

Below is all you ought to know about recurrent miscarriages.

Types of recurrent miscarriages

Recurrent early miscarriage: They are commonly due to genetic and chromosomal problems of the embryo and structural problems of the uterus.

Recurrent late miscarriage: They result from uterine problems, autoimmune conditions, incompetent cervix, and premature labor.


Often the cause of miscarriages is always unknown, while others are due to the following factors;

  • Genetic: Random chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo and parent causes loss in the first trimester.
  • Uterine anomalies: Abnormally-shape womb increases your risks of recurrent miscarriages and premature birth.
  • Blood clotting disorders: Systematic lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome affect blood flow to the placenta, depriving the fetus of nutrients, causing miscarriage.
  • Thyroid problems: High levels of thyroid antibodies increases the risk of miscarriages in a pregnant woman.
  • Cervical incompetence: If you are diagnosed with a weak cervix, you require cervical cerclage to prevent miscarriages.
  • Natural killer cells: If they are present in your uterus, they cause infertility and repeated miscarriages.
  • Age: Couples, whereby the woman is age 35, and the man is 40, are prone to miscarry.
  • Endocrine issues: Polycystic ovarian syndrome and diabetes may cause a woman to experience miscarriages if they are left untreated.
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to chemicals, drugs, x-ray, and excessive use of alcohol, caffeine, and smoking increases the risk of miscarriages.


Your physician conducts a physical examination by asking you about your family history and medical conditions.

The physician then conducts an ultrasound and X-ray to determine insulin resistance, autoimmune, chromosome abnormalities disorders, and blood clots.


The following treatment options reduce risks of recurrent miscarriages;

  • Surgery

Fixing problems in the uterus such as fibroid, scar tissue, extra septum, and correcting the womb shape reduces chances of miscarriage.

  • Blood-thinning medicine

Women with thrombophilia and autoimmune problems are treated with low-dose aspirin and heparin during pregnancy to prevent miscarriages. Before taking them, consult your physician to prevent bleeding problems such as stomach ulcers.

  • Correcting other medicine

Recurrent miscarriage can be related to other medical conditions such as high prolactin hormone levels, abnormal blood sugar levels, overactive, and an underactive thyroid. Treating these conditions increases the chances of a full-term pregnancy.

  • Genetic screening

Couples’ blood is karyotyped to determine translocation and find proper fertility treatment such as in-vitro fertilization to prevent recurrent miscarriage.

  • Lifestyle changes

A full-term pregnancy is only achieved if the mother is healthy. Stopping tobacco use, alcohol intake, illicit drug, caffeine, and having a balanced diet with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and protein lowers the risk of miscarriages. 

Talk to your recurrent miscarriage specialist today

Reasons for multiple miscarriages are often unknown. However, finding a physician who specializes in repeated miscarriages is vital to get to the root cause. Book an appointment with Dr. Chang at Noble Fertility Center, find the cause of your miscarriage, and end the cycle of self-blame and guilt over the loss of your bundles of joy.

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