Nowadays, there are many types of coffee and methods of preparation that are hot and delicious. But what if you need energy but at the same time you want to be refreshed on a hot summer morning? Good thing we got iced coffee!
Iced Coffee is my favorite, especially on hot days, when I need a coffee, but I prefer a refreshing one. We must also admit, properly prepared this can be both a coffee and a delicious dessert.
For this reason I decided to look for the best iced coffee recipes, but before we move on to the actual recipes, we have prepared some tips to help you prepare the best coffee.
- Prepare the ice cubes from coffee. This way you will have the same cool result, but the coffee will not lose its taste and aroma due to the excessive dilution caused by the use of water ice cubes.
- Use coffee prepared with ice cream flavors, thus benefiting from a dose of caffeine and a delicious dessert.
- Iced Coffee or Iced Latte comes out the most flavorful if the basic ingredients are prepared using a quality espresso machine.
Now that I have aroused your interest, here are the recipes:
- Iced Cappuccino
Put in a blender:
- ½ coffee cup
- ½ cup of chocolate milk (use either a bought one or you can prepare it yourself from milk and cocoa)
- 1 tablespoon sugar (change according to your preferences)
- Ice cubes
- Mix well with the blender. At the end, add a little liquid cream and mix again until everything becomes creamy.
- Creamy coffee with vanilla
Put in a blender:
- 1 cup of coffee
- 1 tablespoon butter
- ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
- Homogenize everything, and serve using ice cubes.
- Coffee with mint
This recipe is very simple, but effective. Put a few mint leaves in a glass and crush them using a pistil. Pour over the ready-made and cooled coffee (sweetened to taste). Serve with ice. For the effect, add a sprig of mint leaves.
- … for the child in you
When you are in a creative mood, you should try this recipe.
Fill a glass with ice and pour over the brewed and cooled coffee. Put a cup of vanilla ice cream over and decorate using some colorful ornaments, thus obtaining the perfect drink for the child in you.
- Iced Coffee – simple with vanilla
If you prefer a more traditional iced coffee recipe, this is for you. For starters you need to prepare a vanilla syrup from a cup of water, a cup of sugar and a vanilla pod. Cut the pod in half and place in a jar. Put water and sugar on the stove until they are even, then pour into the jar over the vanilla pods. After it has cooled, put the lid on and let it sit for 12 hours.
For coffee, fill a cup with cooled coffee and sweeten it using the previously prepared vanilla syrup. Serve using ice cubes.
- Vanilla flavored frappe
- This recipe is also suitable as a dessert
- Put the following ingredients in a blender:
- 4 cups vanilla ice cream
- 1 cup of coffee
- 1 cup ice cubes
- ⅓ milk cups
- Caramel syrup (to taste)
- Homogenize everything, pour into glasses and serve with muuuulta whipped cream
- Caramel flavored coffee
Another simple but effective recipe. Just put in a blender: 1 cup of cold coffee, 1-2 tablespoons of milk and caramel syrup to taste. Homogenize and serve with ice cubes.
- Roasted coconut coffee
As in the case of coffee sweetened using vanilla syrup, this recipe also begins with the instructions provided for the preparation of roasted coconut syrup.
You will need:
- 1.5 cups of sugar,
- 1.5 cups of water,
- 1 cup of fried coconut
- ½ teaspoon of coconut essence.
Start by putting sugar and water on the stove. When the sugar has melted, add the coconut and the essence and remove from the heat, letting it rest for at least 5-10 minutes. Then strain the syrup and store it in a jar.
After the syrup is ready, prepare the coffee as follows:
- 1 cup of coffee
- 1-2 tablespoons of coconut syrup (as preferred)
- coconut milk (if necessary)
- 2-3 ice cubes
I hope you try out these recipes and delight yourself with the energetic and refreshing treats you deserve.