How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

If you know of someone who is committing rental assistance fraud in Georgia, click on my links to report them.  It’s quick and easy and you can help to eliminate the fraud so the funds are being directed to someone in need instead.

I became aware of the State of Georgia Rental Assistance Program when someone in my neighborhood stated that our apartment manager helped them to get free rental assistance.  At the time I thought it was a great idea for those who had been affected by the pandemic. However, what I wasn’t aware of in their instance was that she/he/they were committing fraud to receive the funds. I’ve since learned that theft/fraud/scams/blackmail is not new to them so it comes as no surprise to find out that they’re not just scamming the State of Georgia Rental Assistance Program, but also committing SNAP fraud and emergency utility funds fraud.

After some soul searching and watching the fraud continue, I reported the fraud to our apartment manager, and if I’m not mistaken it’s her legal obligation to report the fraud to the appropriate channels as well.  I also took the steps to report it myself directly to both of the above fraud report department links as well as to other departments. I have security camera videos, text messages, and emails to back up my claims. Plus neighbors who are also aware of what has been going on. Even if you don’t have this kind of proof, you still should report the fraud and they will investigate it.

It’s not always an easy decision to turn in a criminal who you may know personally, however, they do need to pay for their crimes. So, if you know of someone who is committing the crime of scamming the government, it’s your responsibility to help bring them to justice. And make no mistake about it, persons committing fraud of any kind are criminals. Theft is a serious felony. No one is above the law.  No one.  Full stop.

How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

Government/federal/state funds are for indigent individuals for a reason.  Because they need them.  Plain and simple.

If you’re still deciding if you want to report someone or turn a blind eye, ask yourself the following question. Do you want your tax dollars going to someone who does not need the funds but feels they are entitled to them, or would you rather help someone in need?

Are you ready to take a stand against this type of criminal behavior? If so, click on my State of Georgia Rental Assistance ProgramReport Fraud links to go directly to the report fraud pages where they’ll ask for information about the person or persons you suspect or have proof of that is committing fraud, why you think they’re committing fraud, and your information. Please see the below information to help guide you through the process.  The below form is very similar to both of the forms at both of the links.


To begin, once you get to the fraud reporting page select one or the other of the below-shown options, then the form will open.

Even if they are no longer receiving free rental assistance they can still be prosecuted.

 How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

2.  Fill out the information on the fraudster.  If they use different names, report all of them. Example; Laneshia, Neshea, Marshea etc…. along with their last name.

How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

4.  Fill out why you believe they are committing fraud or how.

How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

5. Say my name or anonymous reporting.

I don’t have a problem with openly using my name to report someone who believes they’re above the law so much so that they feel entitled to steal and commit fraud, but if you’d rather remain anonymous, ask to do so in the space you’re reporting the suspected fraud activities.

How to report Georgia Rental Assistance Fraud in Georgia

Never be afraid to do the right thing.  If you are harassed, intimidated, or bullied because of your fraud report, just remember that harassment can be charged as a Gross Misdemeanor or as a Felony. Document the harassment and let your local law enforcement deal with the criminal or criminals in a court of law. Do not take the law into your own hands.

Intimidation Fail.

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