It’s Wedding Season!

It's Wedding Season!

What even is wedding season anymore? The wedding season used to be around the spring and summertime. People would desperately try and secure their dream location, fighting against all of the others who want a wedding during that season. But now we think that every time of the year is the wedding season.

There are just that many proposals happening at the minute that wedding venues are booked up years in advance. So if every time of the year is wedding season, we think it’s fitting to do a post that keeps you up to date with the current wedding trends, the order of wedding ceremony, and themes.

You might think that your wedding is going to be exactly how you want it, but as soon as you start planning one you’ll realize that you want to follow the trends. The trends are what inspire us with beautiful ideas, and ensure we have the most perfect day. So, keep on reading, and we’ll show you what the wedding season has in store for us this year.

Back To Traditional Weddings

Traditional weddings seem to have phased out. There are religious people who are still going to church weddings, but if no religion is followed, weird and wonderful wedding locations have been chosen. Converted barns were definitely the theme of 2019, but we think 2020 is going to have far more traditional weddings in store. Traditional weddings are usually held in churches that are absolutely beautiful in terms of architecture and location. If you start to Google some churches that hold wedding ceremonies, you’ll see what we mean. It’s also nice to go back to having it in a church like weddings always used to be. There’s something film-like and romantic about it. The church is usually where the ceremony happens and then everyone travels to another location for the wedding breakfast and after-party. It’s more of a faff, but it makes it part of a traditional wedding day!

Bridesmaid Trends

Besides yourself and your partner, your bridesmaids are going to be the next big talking point of a wedding party. All eyes are on the entourage, and there are trends that can keep your girls looking flawless. The color champagne for your bridesmaids will look elegant and beautiful, is a neutral tone to compliment your dress when they’re standing next to you, and it’s on-trend at the minute. Having your bridesmaids there with you the night before is essential. Stopping away for the night together and making sure there are plenty of facemasks, beauty treatments, and relaxation ready for the prep in the morning is also essential. It makes the 24 hours leading up to the moment you walk down the aisle, far more relaxing.

Destination Weddings

Destination weddings are definitely becoming more popular. They’re great for people who don’t want a big fuss for their wedding. The people who just want to get away from it all and just focus on the love and party, not for the big facade that comes with a traditional wedding.

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