It’s sizzling here in Georgia as we roll into fall, and I have to say it’s the best time for end-of-summer sizzling hot deals and taking care of our body by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent heart disease.
It’s never too early or too late to start taking care of your body (don’t wait until the first of the year to make it your NY resolution) but did you know there are different times of the year when you really need to focus more on the germs around you?
With a cool snap in the air lately, I find myself grabbing a blanket when I head outside to drink my coffee and get lost in one of my many favorite books while I listen to the birds chirping their good mornings to each other. This cooler weather has reminded me that I really need to consider what the best vitamins are for me to take during the cold months. I don’t know about you but when the cold months roll in I tend to get sick more than any other time of the year with flu germs flying around, winter colds, COVID-19, bronchitis, and all of the other icky germs that just can’t be avoided unless we hide in a cave for the entire winter season.
I’ve said all of this to say, it’s time to start taking your vitamins. And not just any vitamins. I’ve searched far and wide to find the best vitamins to recommend. Clean, pure, and simple Superior Source vitamins are the clear winner. These vitamins have no chemicals, preservatives, binders, excessive fillers, or artificial colors.
Today I want to share a little information about Ron Beckenfeld the founder and CEO of Continental Vitamin company and how Superior Source Vitamins was created from the love of his family.
Ron Beckenfield is really into fitness and he wanted to find and sell the best vitamins on the market. Because of his belief in how important vitamins are he even went so far as to sell vitamins in his car in 1964. By 1969 he started his own company which is how Continental Vitamin Company was created. By 1998 he started Superior Source MicroLingual® due to his concern about his father’s Parkinson’s condition.
50 years later his passion for fitness and living a healthy lifestyle lives on. His vitamins have evolved and are some of the smallest dissolvable vitamins available. Even if you’re stranded on a mountain and your water is frozen, or you’re stuck in traffic and don’t have water available, you can still get your dose of vitamins simply by putting them in your mouth. If you’ve ever seen how small nitroglycerine tablets are, that’s what you’ll get from these vitamins. They’re so small, they’ll fit on the top of your finger.
They dissolve instantly and I personally don’t notice a taste from them. I’ve been taking the B12 vitamins for a boost of energy because I’ve been out of sorts when it comes to energy lately. These vitamins provide natural energy and that’s exactly what I need. I’m on the way to shaking off the lazies and getting back into packing to move into my new home thanks to the B12 vitamins.
How would you like to try these award-winning MicroLingual® supplements… for free?
•Vitamin B12/B6. •. Vitamin D3  •. Vitamin C  •. Zinc Lozenjets + C  •  Kid’s Vitamin D3 + K2. • Beet Root Apple Cider Vinegar Clean Melts
It’s easy. All you have to do is enter my below giveaway and if you’re the lucky winner, you’ll receive one of each of the above vitamins. If you don’t want to wait for the giveaway to end to start taking these, head on over to Walmart or Amazon online or any of the other stores on my below list or pick some up on your next visit to your favorite store.
US 18+ to enter. Shabby Chic Boho is not responsible for sending the products to the winner. However, if you have any problems with your shipment please let me know and I’ll reach out to the company on your behalf.
I need that b12
These look awesome, I hope I win so I can try them!! Do they work good??
Yes they do.
I’m looking forward to vitamin C for the winter months.