Children start getting their teeth from the age of 6-12 months. The teeth that appear are known as baby teeth and will fall out anytime between their 6 and 12 birthday. After this, the child will get their adult teeth which are designed to last them for the rest of their life.
Naturally, there are several things that can happen to affect a child’s tooth. Trauma is the most common cause of tooth loss. If your child approaches you with a tooth in their hand and blood in their mouth then you may feel like panicking. But, you will know exactly what to do with the help of this guide.
Consider Their Age
If they are about to get their adult teeth then the safest course of action may be to do nothing as your child will soon have new, adult teeth. This approach may be the best to take even if there are no signs of adult teeth but your child is ten-twelve years old or older.
Find the Tooth
In all situations, you need to find the tooth. This is essential if you want to put it back in. but, it is also essential to know where the tooth is to avoid it choking your child. That means you need to take the time to find it and give yourself peace of mind.
Check For Bleeding
The next stage is to check your child’s mouth. You need to be confident that they are not injured in any other way. Looking into their mouth will also give you an idea regarding whether the baby tooth is about to be replaced by an adult one. If this is the case you won’t want to put the tooth back in as you may damage the permanent tooth coming through.
In other words, if the tooth loss seems to be connected to the natural arrival of an adult tooth, you can do nothing.
Contact The Dentist
If you have children you should already have a reputable pediatric dentist Sydney. You need to make an emergency appointment with them and take your child with the tooth. Any tooth should be placed in a sealed bag and into a container of ice. You can also put it in some milk or get your child to hold it in their mouth, they will have to be careful not to swallow it.
Your dentist will be able to assess the tooth and decide why it came out and whether it is better to reimplant it or simply wait for the adult tooth to arrive.
If you decide to reimplant the tooth then chat with your dentist. They should be conversant with the principle of shortening the root on the baby tooth before reimplantation. This reduces the likelihood of damage happening to the adult tooth that will soon be breaking the surface.
Your dentist will explain the risks and benefits, allowing you and your child to make an informed decision.