3 Tips On Interacting With Companies On Social Media

3 Tips On Interacting With Companies On Social Media

The power of social media is no secret. Not only can you use it to stay connected with family and friends, but it’s the fastest and most effective way to stay in touch with some of your favorite brands. Don’t believe me? According to research conducted by popular marketing platform HootSuite, 90 percent of brands are now using social media. So, whether you’re looking to ask a question about their products, just want to keep updated, or even want to discuss job opportunities, you’ll most likely have success on a social media platform. If you’re unsure how to go about it, here are a few ways to ensure effective communication with your favorite brands on social media.

1. Choose The Right Platform for Your Purpose

With social media being around for some time now, we’re lucky to have a choice of platforms for different uses. From Facebook, to Instagram and Twitter, to LinkedIn, to Pinterest — there’s a site that suits various audiences and needs. When deciding on engaging with brands, it’s important to pick the right platform not only so that your communication remains appropriate to the particular network, but also so that your message has the best chance of being heard and responded to. If you’re looking to know more about the brand or their product offerings, it’s best to address these on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. You can direct message companies or respond to their newest posts. Most brands will have customer service people readily available to respond to you. If, however, you’re looking for job opportunities or want to inquire about particular partnerships or sales opportunities, LinkedIn is usually the best resource as this is more of corporate-driven platform.

2. Be Sure To Follow Them Consistently

When connecting with any brand, it’s best if you know your facts. Not necessarily intricate details about the company’s history or financial portfolio, but stay updated about new product offerings, campaigns or updates they have. The best way to do this is to follow your favorite brands on all social media platforms as this is where most companies turn to when releasing new information. Keep up to date with their posts, and feel free to engage with their content. By remaining informed, communication — no matter what kind it is — will always be more efficient and on target. Especially if you’re trying to get a job, knowing company information and the latest trends will look impressive.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Brands love engaging with their customers, and often promote social media as the best tool for consumers to reach out to them. In fact, one of the factors they report to help identify the success of their social media accounts is how much activity and engagement they receive from their audience. So don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need on social media, rather than calling in to the company, sending an email or going in-person. You may feel that communication on social media is for only particular uses, but companies such as Chatbooks and Amway love connecting with their customers, sharing information about their products and answering questions about jobs or the brand in general. This makes information easily accessible as you can get answers at the touch of your fingertips.

Connecting with your favorite brands via social media is the quickest and most effective way of communicating with companies. No matter what you’re looking for, follow these quick tips and hope on a social platform to get connected.


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