Regular dental check-ups every six months are strongly recommended for maintaining good oral health. Yet, it’s a fact that many people tend to neglect these crucial visits until they experience discomfort or pain. However, by the time dental issues become unbearable, the damage may already be more extensive and require more complex treatments.
This article will shed light on 6 common reasons people visit the dentist. If you’re facing any of these situations, it is wise not to delay further and book an appointment with a dentist to promptly address the issue.
1. Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth can significantly impact your self-confidence, making you hesitant to share your smile with others. Beyond cosmetic concerns, they can also lead to various health issues that should not be ignored.
The good news is that effective orthodontic solutions are available to address misaligned teeth. Braces have been a reliable option for years, working by gradually shifting teeth into their proper positions through gentle pressure. However, if you’re concerned about the appearance of traditional braces, there are more discreet alternatives worth considering.
Lingual (inside) braces, attached to the back of the teeth, remain entirely invisible from the outside, making them an excellent choice for those worried about aesthetics. Although they may be more expensive than traditional braces, their discreetness can be well worth the cost.
Another popular alternative is the Invisalign treatment, which uses transparent trays custom-made for your teeth. When worn, these aligners are also invisible, enabling you to straighten your teeth without drawing attention. They can even be removed while eating, ensuring no dietary restrictions during treatment. But here’s the best part: Invisalign aligners cost only $2800-$6800, while lingual braces are typically much higher than that. So, if you want that perfect smile without breaking the bank, get your Invisalign aligners today!
2. Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is one of the most widespread dental issues worldwide, resulting from the production of acids by bacteria in the mouth that gradually erode the protective tooth enamel, leading to cavities. These cavities represent permanent damage that requires dental intervention, often in the form of fillings to restore the affected tooth.
Shockingly, among adults aged 20 and older, approximately 90% have experienced at least one cavity, with 1 in 4 adults aged 20-64 currently dealing with at least one cavity. Suppose you find yourself frequently experiencing toothaches and suspect that you might have cavities. In that case, it is crucial to seek dental attention promptly. Putting off treatment can worsen the condition and lead to more significant oral health problems.
3. Discolored Teeth
As we age or indulge in habits like coffee consumption or smoking, our teeth can become discolored, leading to an unpleasing appearance. And when you’ve tried every teeth whitening toothpaste but the stains don’t seem to go away, it’s time to visit the dentist.
Dentists employ effective methods to combat teeth discoloration, typically using hydrogen or carbamide peroxide to break up stains and lift them from the teeth’s surface. These professional treatments can yield impressive results, giving you the bright, glowing smile you desire. The best part is that you typically only need one or two professional treatments a year to maintain the perfect white shade all year round.
4. Sensitive Teeth
Experiencing a sharp, fleeting pain whenever you consume hot or cold food/drinks means you may have sensitive teeth. This common problem affects a significant portion of the population, with the prevalence of dentin hypersensitivity among adults estimated to be as high as 11.5%!
Several factors contribute to teeth sensitivity. A common cause is brushing too hard, which can wear down the protective enamel and expose the underlying dentin, leading to sensitivity. Regularly consuming acidic foods like oranges, pickles, and tea can also contribute to enamel erosion, exacerbating tooth sensitivity.
If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, you must visit a dentist for proper evaluation and treatment. Dentists can identify the underlying causes of tooth sensitivity and recommend appropriate treatments or dental products to alleviate the problem.
Common treatments for sensitive teeth include desensitizing toothpaste, which helps to reduce sensitivity over time. Additionally, dentists may apply fluoride to the sensitive areas of your teeth, strengthening the enamel and providing relief. In more severe cases of tooth sensitivity, a dentist may perform a root canal.
5. Bad Breath
Having bad breath can be a distressing experience, causing severe anxiety and low self-esteem, especially in social situations. To combat the embarrassment, many people resort to constant gum chewing or using breath sprays, but these are merely temporary solutions that fail to address the root cause of the problem.
If you’ve diligently maintained oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice, using dental floss and mouthwash, and staying hydrated with plenty of water, yet the bad breath persists, it may be time to seek professional help from a dentist.
A dentist can thoroughly examine your oral cavity, identifying the actual cause of the bad breath. The dentist can also assess your tongue and check for any signs of a coated tongue, which can harbor odor-causing bacteria. After pinpointing the root cause, the dentist can recommend the relevant treatment procedure to address the problem effectively.
6. Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Did you know wisdom teeth are an evolutionary remnant of our ancient ancestors and no longer serve their original purpose? Once crucial for grinding tough, uncooked foods like roots, nuts, and raw meats, these molars have become obsolete as our diets evolved into softer fare. As a result, our jaws have grown smaller, leading to fewer people seeing their wisdom teeth fully erupt.
In some cases, part of the wisdom teeth may attempt to emerge but become trapped in the gums, causing severe discomfort and pain. This condition is called impacted wisdom teeth. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, seeking the expertise of a dentist is crucial. They can evaluate the development and position of these teeth through X-rays and determine the best course of action. In many cases, impacted wisdom teeth must be extracted to prevent potential complications.
Neglecting impacted wisdom teeth treatment can lead to pain, inflammation, and even the development of cysts or tumors in the jawbone.
Dental care is the key to a lifetime of healthy and beautiful smiles. So if you’re facing any of the problems mentioned above, don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Take the first step towards a healthier future by speaking to a dentist about your concerns.