The ball drops. You kiss your sweetheart at midnight. And undoubtedly join millions of others proclaiming your New Year’s resolution.
Sadly, only 25% of people actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions come February 1st. And of that 25 %, only 8% will follow through on accomplishing their goals.
Don’t let yourself be a statistic. Read on to learn more about building mood boards and how they can help you reach your personal and professional goals all year long.
What Are Mood Boards?
Mood boards are a visual representation of your goals, brand, and ideas. They act as inspiration for you and others.
Mood boards are used in a variety of disciplines from personal to business. They are a collage of images and text that help represent who you are and what your vision is.
One of the features that make mood boards so effective are the images you include. Images draw people’s attention much faster than simple text. Visual stimulation also holds people’s attention and makes them want to know more.
When you’re struggling to convey your message or pitch an idea, mood boards transform your thoughts into a visual masterpiece.
Making the Perfect Mood Board
There’s no right answer when it comes to how to make a mood board, but here are some general tips to help you get started.
Use Personal Images
Google images and clip art are great for certain things. But mood boards are a personal representation of your thoughts and ideas, which is why using personal photos is so important.
The best way to give others insight into your mind is for them to see things through your eyes. Take photographs of what inspires you. Real life photos evoke more emotion than standard, digital images.
Thread Images and Messages Together
The biggest mistake most people make when creating mood boards is using a bunch of random information that has no, clear connection. Even if the mood board means something to you, if that message isn’t conveyed to your audience, it’s a lost cause.
Look at your mood board objectively. Is there a common theme? Do the ideas and images flow together or share a common theme? If not, you have some work to do.
Ask a friend or colleague to look over your board and tell you what they see. An unbiased, third-party perspective is always helpful.
Showcase Your Creativity
The whole premise behind mood boards is that they’re a more creative, interactive way of presenting your ideas. So, why not get creative with the construction?
A lot of people rely on computers to create digital mood boards. Traditional, tactical mood boards are made of foam and include cut out materials mounted to it.
While this might sound like a grade-school project, the more traditional, hands-on approach to creating mood boards shows character and personality.
A Few Words Go a Long Way
As important as images are for mood boards, a few, intentionally placed words can help support your message. Add some bold text between images. You can use isolated words or short phrases.
Randomly placed text give your audience some time to pause, reflect, and think more deeply about your board. They can also evoke drama and intensity, depending on the subject.
Keep a Light Mood with Your Mood Board
Creating a mood board is a fun way to present your message. Whether it’s for personal or professional use, don’t over think it.
The best part is, mood boards give you the chance to get your hands dirty and create something amazing. Check out our DIY project page for more inspiration.
This is such a great idea! My resolution is to loose all my baby fat from my two pregnancies and save enough money to go on a cruise this year. My mood board will have before pregnancy body pics to remind me why I’m exercising and eating healthier.