Getting Rid of Acne Scars on Your Skin

Getting Rid of Acne Scars on Your Skin

Major or minor accidents can cause damage to your skin, leaving black scars. Acne scars are spots that form on the surface of your skin when bacteria, excess oil, and dead skin piles up into the skin’s pores. Blocked pores are restricted from secreting sweat and oil, which results in the formation of white sores or black sores. This condition is familiar to many people in the world around the age of eleven to thirty. However, these spots sometimes get large hence, lowering your self-esteem. The facility for acne scars in Fort Worth is a health care center that eliminates accumulated oil and dead cells on your skin. Below are examples of acne scars.

The major types of acne scars

There are different types of acne scarring. The visibility of these scars depends on the skin color and the stage of your acne scar. They include:

  •   Atrophic scars. They are generally thin and flat scars.
  •   Boxcar scars. These scars have a defined shape.
  •   Rolling scars. Rolling scars appear to have slope edges.
  •   Ice-pick scars- These are scars with deep, narrow, and pitted scars.

These scars change their color after they start healing. It is called the post-inflammatory color change. Pink and purple patches form when there is an increase in blood supply on the scars (post-inflammatory erythema). Brown and white marks are formed when the skin loses its color pigmentation (post-inflammatory pigmentation and hypopigmentation). The following paragraph explains the methods of treating acne scars.

Methods of treating acne scars

Treatment of acne scars is not compulsory hence, there is no need to undergo it. If you find it suitable for treatment, then the doctor will arrange a treatment plan for you. The dermatologist starts by identifying the type of scar and its position in your body. Local anesthesia will be done to prevent you from feeling pain. Surgery and laser therapy will then be done to deep boxcar scars to give them the look you need.

Resurfacing procedures are done to patients with acne scars that appear to be widespread on the skin. The dermatologist will remove the affected skin, allowing another layer of skin to develop. Collagen-induction therapy and injection are also part of acne scar treatment. The dermatologist will do a micro-needling process to increase the amount of collagen in your skin. Collagens are capable of adding skin pigments hence, getting rid of white and brown scars. Injections procedure involves injecting medicine into the scars. These medicines flatten and soften thick scars. The below paragraph indicates what to expect after treatment.

What to expect after acne scar treatment   

It is vital to find a dermatologist who is experienced and qualified. The outcome of your treatment will depend on your doctor. Some doctors may recommend a particular type of treatment that can cause more harm to your skin. A qualified dermatologist gives your face a smooth look free from scars. Severe scars are treated to disappear completely.

Acne scars are common to many people in the world. Hormonal changes, allergies, and bacteria effects are the main causes of acne scars. These scars change their color during their healing process, determined by your skin color and the severity of the spot. You can undergo treatment to recover the normal shape and appearance of your face. Consult Northstar Dermatology for more information.

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