Happy Beginnings: How To Take The Stress Out Of Moving House

Happy Beginnings: How To Take The Stress Out Of Moving House

Even though you’ll probably be enjoying the run-up to Christmas; you’re obviously reading this because you have plans to move home in the new year (or, sooner!). So, congratulations! Moving to a new house, in any location, is an excellent chance for a fresh start and new beginnings. What a great way to kick off the new year, and to ensure that you have plenty of plans to enjoy in your new residence throughout 2023 and beyond. While moving places is often a positive thing, it can also be an extremely tiring and stressful event in your life.

Therefore, there’s no better time to ensure that you’ve planned as much as you can, before moving day rolls around (and, they have a way of sneaking up on you fast). There’ll be much to sort out, and that’s on top of all the festive celebrations. So, anytime you have the chance, grab a notebook and pen and start making a list so that you can work through it as much as possible. Preparing early with a move is always the most successful course of action. The following are some ideas and tips for those about to move house, and who want it to be as stress-free as possible. 

Book The Professionals ASAP

It’s always a smart idea to research the people and companies that can help you move so that you can book them for your moving day as soon as possible. You don’t want to be stuck on the street with boxes and nobody to do the heavy lifting. Therefore, it’s worth looking into places like iMOVE online so you can find a highly rated, verified moving company, quickly and with ease. Then you can make contact, and ensure they understand where and when you want to be in your new home. It’s also worth checking if they have everything needed to pack and pick up specific items; you don’t want big scratches on any family heirlooms!

If You’re Not Using It: It Goes In A Box

After you’ve got your boxes (double them because you’ll have way more stuff than you realized); make sure some are left open, with packing paper or tissue, all over the house. Everything you see that you aren’t currently using, but definitely will again, needs to be packed and put in the box. Doing this every week and day leading up to your moving day will save you so much time beforehand. Also, it’s a great chance for a good clearout of old items that you have worn or used for ages. Be strict so that you can truly enjoy a fresh start.

Get A Minibreak Suitcase Ready

This is not a tip to tell you to book a minibreak and head off before you move! It’s simply a good idea for everyone to pack a suitcase, or a weekend bag beforehand. Include clothing and toiletries that will last a few days, so that if things are hard to find in the chaos; everyone can freshen up and have clean clothes on after they arrive. It’s also worth packing a box with some snacks, drinks, and food; take this in your car so that you can fuel up when you arrive in your new abode.

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