How Much Are Goldendoodles?


Goldendoodle dogs are fun, easy-going, and hard not to love. But before you commit to owning your next dog, you may wonder, “How much are Goldendoodles, anyway?”

This is a complicated question to answer because there are plenty of factors that affect the price. Rest assured the more you know about the costs of owning a Goldendoodle, the better prepared you will be to tackle dog ownership head-on.

Goldendoodle Breed Traits

Goldendoodles are a mix of golden retriever and poodle, weigh about 50-70 pounds, and are hypoallergenic, making them great family dogs. They tend to be very active, needing daily exercise. However, they are also calm in temperament and easily get along with other household pets or children.

Goldendoodle dogs are easy to train and love pleasing their owners. They are part of what is termed the F1 generation, meaning they are not a singular breed class but a combination of two breeds.

How Much Are Goldendoodles?

The Goldendoodle dog breed is popular and in high demand, for good reason. This naturally has caused the average price per puppy to increase. But the price range for adopting a Goldendoodle depends upon several different factors.

Goldendoodle puppies are more expensive than adopting a Goldendoodle adult dog. If you are buying a Goldendoodle rather than adopting, this can also affect the price of the dog. For example, adoption fees average about $500 for an adult Goldendoodle. This is in addition to the cost of any medications, vaccinations, or spaying/neutering that your new dog needs.

Several rescue shelters specialize in finding homes for abandoned Goldendoodles. If you are looking to adopt, start by researching several of the reputable Goldendoodle rescue operations in the United States.

Size affects the price as well. Adopting or buying a toy or mini-Goldendoodle costs $3,000 to $5,000 because they are more difficult to breed. There are also fewer of these types of Goldendoodles available. Regular-sized Goldendoodle puppies more traditionally cost about $2,000 to $2,500.

It is important to note that when bred as a toy or mini-Goldendoodle, these dogs can experience significant health issues as they grow. Owners will have to be aware of this and take steps now to prevent serious problems later.

Other Factors That Affect Goldendoodle Price

Buying a Goldendoodle depends on other factors besides age and size. There are several reasons why it is difficult to determine the price to buy or adopt a Goldendoodle. Other variables are explored here.

Coloring of the Goldendoodle can affect the price as well. Tri-colored or other popular or rare coloring schemes drive the price up and can make buying your new companion more expensive. Breeders will also breed for show-dog qualities, which creates more demand as well.

A Goldendoodle dog’s hair type can make the dog more or less expensive. Goldendoodles can have curly, wavy, or straight hair. Typically, Goldendoodles are bred for their golden color and curly poodle coat. The curlier the hair, the more expensive the pup.

Location can also affect the price of a Goldendoodle. Not only are Goldendoodle more expensive in places like Southern California that have a higher cost of living, but shipping a dog can cost up to $400.

Lastly, breeder reputation can cause huge fluctuations in price. For most breeders, you will be asked to put about $500 down on a puppy when you reserve it. But the quality of the breeder will affect the cost of the dog. This is because as a future owner, you have less guarantee that the dog will be bred for the quality of coat and long length of life.

Cost of Owning a Goldendoodle

It can be easy to forget the ongoing costs of owning a dog like a Goldendoodle. But the more you understand about the continuing costs of dog-ownership and in particular owning a Goldendoodle, the better. You will feel more prepared having considered the following costs when creating your household budget.

Food and Daily Essentials

Food costs about $30 to $50 per month, depending on the quality of the dog food. Your dog will also need a bed to sleep in unless he is sleeping with you in yours! Dog beds cost about $50 to $150, again dependent on quality.

Your Goldendoodle will also need a harness and leash for everyday walking, at a cost of about $50. A travel crate is also essential for trips to the vet, which can cost about $100 for a large crate.

Healthcare, Including Grooming

Grooming is a large expense for Goldendoodles. Because they do not shed, they must be groomed regularly to keep their coat clean and healthy. If you take your Goldendoodle to the groomers four times a year, it will likely cost you $400 a year to keep your pet groomed.

Healthcare when you first adopt or buy your Goldendoodle can be very costly. Spaying and neutering procedures cost about $200, and vaccines and wellness checks for new dogs can be similar in price. Thereafter, a yearly checkup and vaccine update will likely cost about $100 to $150 a year.

Boarding, Training, and Daycare

If buying or adopting a Goldendoodle puppy, you will likely need to enroll your new family member in obedience classes. Classes are highly variable in cost and depend on the quality of the trainer, but typically will cost about $50 a session.

If you plan to work away from the home or travel for your job, it is important to keep your dog occupied with daycare help or boarded at a quality facility. Again, these costs are highly variable, but to board a large dog for the night typically costs about $50. Daycare costs on average about half that, at $25 per day.

Goldendoodles Make Great Family Pets

To answer the question, “How much are Goldendoodles?” any future owner must do extensive research. That is because there are a wide variety of factors that affect Goldendoodle price.

One thing you can be sure of: your new Goldendoodle is a great family pet and will be a coveted love one for many years to come. Start your journey today by researching your options and keeping an eye out at local shelters for your newest family member.

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