Summer Lawn Care 101: 8 Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Green and Healthy

Summer Lawn Care 101: 8 Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Green and Healthy

69% of Americans who have a lawn admit that improvements can definitely be made.

If you’re a homeowner, your own yard may be lacking, and you’re determined to do something about it. But if you’re not sure what to do and where to start, it can be overwhelming.

However, not to worry. We’re here with 8 tips for optimal summer lawn care so your property looks amazing!

1. Water It Regularly

One of the most important things you need to do for summer grass is water it regularly. Most grass types fare well in temperatures ranging from the 60s to the 70s.

Once you get into the territory of the 80s and above, you might notice your lawn dying and turning brown. At this point, you’re probably wondering about how to make your lawn greener.

The answer is to give it enough water. Normally, your lawn needs 1 inch of water a week. When the temperatures rise, you need to increase the water it receives.

In addition, make sure to do deep waterings instead of shallow ones. This can help the water reach the roots better.

2. Water Your Lawn in the Morning

When you water your lawn will matter as well.

The best time to do so is in the morning. The weather isn’t as hot, which means less water will evaporate. This will give your grass the best chance at absorbing all the water it needs.

In addition, watering your lawn in the morning will reduce the chances of fungus growing. This will help keep your grass green and healthy.

3. Don’t Mow Your Lawn as Short

Now, we’re not telling you to have a yard full of tall grass. But you need to mow your lawn at a higher length than you would in other seasons.

For example, you should aim for 2 to 4 inches tall, depending on the type of grass you have (cool-season grasses should stay 3 to 4 inches tall, while warm-season grasses should stay 2 to 3 inches tall).

This serves 2 purposes.

For one, taller grass will grow deeper roots. As a result, they’ll be more resilient and won’t die as easily when there’s a lack of water.

Also, the taller the grass blades are, the more shade there will be in your yard. If any weed seeds have been dispersed on your lawn, the shade will prevent them from growing.

4. Keep Your Mower Well-Maintained

In order to do its job properly, your mower needs to be maintained regularly.

An important thing you need to do is keep the blades sharpened. If they’re dull, they’ll tear your grass blades instead of cutting them cleanly. This can stress out your grass and cause it to die more easily, especially if there’s hot weather. There are specific mowers for hills if your land is not flat.  You’ll want to click on Best Commercial Mowers for Hills to learn more about hilly landscape commercial mowers.

You’ll also want to perform similar things to car maintenance. This includes changing the oil, spark plugs, and filter. By doing all these things, it’ll ensure you can mow your lawn smoothly and efficiently.

5. Don’t Use Fertilizer

If your yard’s looking a bit worse for wear, you may think that fertilizer would perk it back up. That’s its job, right?

But the reality is, you shouldn’t be using fertilizer in the summer. In fact, you need to stop this practice around a month before the extreme temperatures set in.

While you may be able to grow some new grass, it’ll likely be too fragile to survive the hot summer heat and you’ll just end up with more dead grass. The fertilizer may also burn your lawn, which will cause existing grass to die as well.

6. Leave Dormant Lawns Alone

If your grass has started going completely brown, this means it’s too late to try and transform back to green. Your grass has gone dormant, so let it be.

It may not be a very pretty sight, but there’s pretty much nothing you can do. Remember how we said not to use fertilizer in the summer? This is true even if your grass is all brown and dead.

Be patient, and when fall arrives, your lawn should start turning green again.

7. Be Proactive in Killing Weeds

We mentioned earlier that taller grass blades will help prevent weed seed germination. However, this doesn’t mean it’ll completely eliminate weeds.

To do so, you need to be proactive in controlling your weed population. You can use post-emergent herbicides to get rid of weeds without harming your grass. However, do note that you can only use these if the temperatures won’t be extreme in the next few days.

If you act quickly enough, this should stop the weeds from dispersing seeds for next year’s growth.

8. Employ the Help of Professionals

If you don’t have the time and/or energy to take care of your lawn on your own, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all hope is lost. There are professionals who are available to help, and you should never feel too proud to ask for it.

For example, they can come and perform lawn mowing services and pull out weeds. As a result, you won’t have to do these tedious chores and you’ll still have a beautiful lawn!

While you do have to spend a little more money for these services, it may be worth it if it means you can use your precious free time the way you want to. Instead of slaving away in your yard, you can sit back and relax in it!

Perform the Ultimate Summer Lawn Care This Year

With our great summer lawn care tips, you’ll be able to have a full and green yard. Not only will you get this beautiful outdoor space this year, but for years to come as well.

So get to perking up your lawn so it can be something you’re proud of. Many lazy afternoons in the yard await you once you’re done!

For more gardening tips (and life hacks), keep reading our blog.

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