The Complete Spain Packing List: 10 Items to Bring Along

The Complete Spain Packing List: 10 Items to Bring Along

When traveling abroad, it’s no secret that Spain is one of the most beautiful countries that you can visit. It’s also home to one of the top-ranked beaches in Europe.

It can be difficult to know what to bring with you if you’ve never been there before, however.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about creating your Spain packing list.

1. A Power Adapter

The outlets in Spain are different than the ones in the United States. So, you’re going to need an adapter if you want to charge your electronics while you’re visiting the country.

While you can purchase adapters when you get to Spain, you’ll likely pay more than you could while shopping online, so keep this in mind when packing.

2. Deodorant Wipes

Most of what you’ll be doing in Spain will be outdoors. Family tours, exploring beaches, and hiking are all common activities that you’ll be engaged in for hours at a time.

These can also lead to plenty of sweat.

Deodorant wipes will help you stay dry and clean on your adventures.

3. Comfortable Shoes

As previously mentioned, you’ll be outdoors a lot, so comfortable shoes are a must.

Any decent pair of running/hiking shoes will do. Remember, though, to bring a nicer pair for going out to dinner in the evenings.

4. A Hoodie

Even during the warmer months, Spain can get particularly cold after sunset. If you plan on exploring the country at night (especially by the water), you’ll be glad that you brought a light hoodie with you.

5. A Reusable Water Bottle

There aren’t nearly as many water fountains in Spain as there are in the States, and the tap water isn’t always the best quality. You can, though, refill your water bottle at fountains you find.

This will prove to be an inexpensive way to stay hydrated.

6. Sunglasses

It’s usually fairly sunny in Spain, and you won’t be able to appreciate the sights you’ll see if you’re blinded by the afternoon soon.

A cheap pair of sunglasses will solve this problem before it starts.

7. Sunscreen

Being outdoors for hours an end in a sunny region is a surefire way to get sunburned.

Make sure you pack plenty of SPF 30+ to keep your skin safe. You should also try to avoid the midday sun.

8. Spanish/English Dictionary

In the event that your phone dies and you need to ask someone a question, a Spanish/English dictionary can be a lifesaver.

You can also use it to translate signs or other types of text you encounter.

9. Ear Plugs/Sleeping Mask

These are essential for sleeping on the train. Some rides can be hours long, so you’ll be glad you brought them.

If the location where you’re staying is noisy, you may even need them to sleep well at night.

10. A Portable Phone Charger

This will ensure your phone stays charged throughout the day and allow you to take as many pictures as possible.

Just make sure to charge your portable charger each night.

Remembering Everything on Your Spain Packing List Can Seem Difficult

As long as you plan ahead, you should find that you remember everything you need for your trip.

With the above information in mind about what your Spain packing list should include, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring your trip goes as smoothly as possible.

Want more travel tips? Be sure to check out the rest of our blog.

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