What is Lease Rental Discounting? How Does it Work?

What is Lease Rental Discounting? How Does it Work?

Lease Rental Discounting (LRD) is a financial product that has gained popularity recently, particularly among property owners and investors. It is a mechanism that allows property owners to unlock the value of their rental income by availing loans against future rental receipts. In this article, you will delve into lease rental discounting or LRD loans and explore how they work.

Understanding Lease Rental Discounting

Lease Rental Discounting is a loan against the future rental income generated by a property. Property owners, especially those with commercial properties, can approach financial institutions, typically banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), to avail of this financial product. LRD enables property owners to convert their future rental income into a lump sum upfront, providing immediate liquidity.

How Does Lease Rental Discounting Work?

Property Valuation

The first step in the Lease Rental Discounting process is the valuation of the property. The lending institution assesses the market value of the property and its potential rental income. The offered loan amount is generally a proportion of the estimated value, typically between 50% and 90%.

Rental Agreement Evaluation

Once the property’s value is determined, the lending institution reviews the existing rental agreements. The terms of these agreements, including the lease duration, rental amount, and escalation clauses, are critical factors in determining the loan amount. More extended lease periods and higher rental yields may lead to a more significant loan amount.

Loan Disbursement

Upon evaluating the property’s value and rental agreements, the lending institution disburses a loan to the owner. The loan amount is generally a lump sum and is sanctioned based on the rental income the property is expected to generate over the lease tenure.

Repayment Structure

Unlike traditional loans, Lease Rental Discounting doesn’t require monthly or periodic EMI payments. Instead, the repayment structure accommodates the property’s rental income. The rental income is directly credited to the lender’s account, and the EMI or interest payments are deducted from these credits. The property owner receives any surplus rental income after these deductions.

Interest Rate

The interest rate for lease rental discounts varies from one lender to another. It is influenced by several factors, including the property’s location, the creditworthiness of the property owner, and prevailing market conditions. It is typically higher than the standard home loan interest rates due to the unsecured nature of the loan.


The tenure of a Lease Rental Discounting loan typically coincides with the remaining lease duration of the property. Sometimes, lenders may extend the tenure for several years beyond the lease agreement’s end.

Foreclosure and Prepayment

Property owners can prepay the LRD loan, partially or in full, at any time during the loan tenure. However, prepayment terms and charges may vary among lenders.

Legal Documentation

To formalise the LRD transaction, property owners and lending institutions enter into a legal agreement outlining the terms and conditions. This agreement specifies the disbursement amount, interest rate, repayment structure, and other essential details.

In Conclusion

Lease Rental Discounting or LRD loans are financial solutions that allow property owners to leverage their rental income to access immediate funds. By evaluating the property’s value, rental agreements, and other factors, lending institutions provide property owners with a lump sum loan amount, which is repaid through rental income. While it offers liquidity and financial flexibility, property owners should carefully consider the terms and interest rates associated with LRD before availing of this financial product.

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