What You May Not Know About Thyroid Surgery

What You May Not Know About Thyroid Surgery

If prevention fails to keep your health intact, you need immediate medical intervention, medication, or surgery. For overactive thyroids, underactive thyroids, cancerous tumors, thyroid nodules, and goiter, you may need thyroid surgery. If you need Gillette thyroid surgery, visit Dr. Jacob Rinker at Wyoming Medical Associates. Dr. Rinker completes a risk assessment and expert surgery to ensure that you lead a healthier and pain-free life.

What Is Thyroid Surgery

Thyroid surgery/ thyroidectomy also known as thyroid removal surgery refers to a procedure performed to remove part of or the entire thyroid. At Wyoming Medical Associates, your surgeon evaluates the location, size, tumor type, and stage of the tumor to determine the most effective surgical approach for your needs.

Each surgeon at Wyoming Medical Associates is board certified and experienced in performing minimally invasive surgeries like thyroid surgery.

For a thyroid tumor, you may qualify for open surgery using slightly larger incisions. Your surgeon makes incisions on natural skin creases to avoid the appearance of scarring.

Symptoms That Qualify One for Thyroid Surgery

The thyroid glands play a vital role in regulating metabolism and producing hormones required for the effective operation of every body cell, tissue, organ, and organ system. Thyroid conditions that call for surgery affect hormone production and magnify holistic symptoms.

Your surgeon may recommend thyroid surgery in case you have symptoms like:

  •       Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
  •       Pain in your throat or neck.
  •       Changes in your voice, including hoarseness.
  •       Difficulty swallowing or a feeling of food stuck in the throat.
  •       Goiter /enlarged thyroid or swelling in the neck.

Wyoming Medical Associates uses a conclusive evaluation to determine your eligibility for thyroid conditions as part of addressing the underlying causes for your discomfort.

Conditions That Require Thyroid Surgery

Thyroid conditions that may call for surgical intervention include:

  • Thyroid Cancer

Your surgeon may recommend thyroid surgery to remove the primary tumor. After removing part of or the entire thyroid gland, your provider examines the tissues to ensure that all cancerous cells are eliminated. For cancer that spreads beyond tumors, you may need additional surgery to get rid of affected lymph nodes and affected tissues nearby.

  • Thyroid Nodules

Cancerous thyroid nodules include thyroid cysts, colloid nodules, inflammatory nodules, and follicular adenoma. For persistent nodules, seek immediate medical attention. You may need surgery to maintain normal thyroid function, appearance, and swallowing capability.

  • Hyperthyroidism

The most common intervention for hyperthyroidism is radioactive iodine. If you are intolerant to overactive hormone production and medication, you may need surgery to avoid developing an enlarged goiter/ thyroid gland.

If your thyroid gland produces excess thyroid hormones, you are highly vulnerable to thyrotoxicosis and thyroid storm. As a response to stress or infections, patients with hypothyroidism are likely to develop thyrotoxicosis.

Other Services Offered at Wyoming Medical Associates

You may visit Wyoming Medical Associates for a personalized approach to:

ü  Varicose veins.

ü  Colonoscopy.

ü  Breast disease.

ü  Hernia disease.

ü  Peripheral arterial disease.

ü  Acid reflux.

ü  Hemodialysis.

ü  Gallbladder surgery.

Bottom Line

To discover more about thyroid surgery and your qualification, contact Wyoming Medical Associates via phone or online platforms.

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