It is a common thing to have a headache. However, the experience can ruin your day and make it difficult to perform your tasks. Besides, it can be worse sometimes, requiring immediate medical attention. Generally, Hui Kang MD, of Houston Pain Specialists encourages patients to seek medical assistance for headaches if it affects the ability to perform or participate in activities, including the favorite ones. However, there are different types of headaches, and others can be relieved through over-the-counter medications. It is, therefore, relevant to understand the type of headache you are experiencing.
Types of Headaches
Tension Headaches
These headaches are so common that almost everyone experiences them at some point in their lives and not once but several times. They are contributed to by muscle tension, stress, genetics, and environmental factors.
If you are enduring this type of headache, you might experience moderate pain on both sides of the head and pain in the back of your head or your neck.
This type of headache builds slowly and is not associated with nausea and vomiting. However, the headaches can be severe and can often occur up to every day. If they only occur occasionally, you can get relief from over-the-counter medications, but for severe cases, please seek medical assistance from your doctor, who can prescribe some medications.
These headaches involve an intense and throbbing pain associated with loss of appetite, light sensitivity, nausea, or vomiting. Although this condition affects anyone, it is more common in women than in men. The migraines can last for several days running through the family, and in this case, it indicates a genetic cause. Also, it can be a result of a chemical imbalance in your brain.
The treatments for migraines depend on the severity and frequency of your condition.
Cluster Headaches
This is a type of headache characterized by a sudden-onset severe pain primarily behind one of your eyes. Although they are the most severe headaches, they are not as common as migraines or tension headaches. They occur in groups and can occur daily or sometimes multiple times a day and can last up to 3 hours with pain recurring the same way every time.
When to See Your Doctor
Although in most cases, you might experience mild headaches as a result of less worrisome underlying complications, please don’t hesitate to visit your doctor if you experience the following:
Thunderclap headache. This is a very severe headache that you experience maximum severity within a couple of minutes. This condition requires immediate medical evaluation.
Positional headache. Suppose you experience a headache that changes substantially in its intensity according to the changes in position.
Substantial headache patterns. Sometimes you may experience significant changes in the headache symptoms and an increased frequency.
Headaches initiated by exertion. When you experience a headache that starts with straining, sneezing, or coughing, this means that it’s time to seek immediate medical attention from your doctor.
A persistent headache. If you experience a headache that won’t go away despite your conservative and alternative treatment options, it’s time to seek expert care from your doctor.
Please, the above can be used as red flags for you to seek expert care for your headache as your provider can evaluate your condition and general health and get to the root of it. Therefore, if you endure any of the above, don’t hesitate to contact your provider at Houston Pain Specialists.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels