Why Estrogen Therapy is Right For You in Menopause Management

Why Estrogen Therapy is Right For You in Menopause Management

The onset of menopause marks a decline in estrogen production. Many women develop several symptoms, such as dyspareunia, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. Estrogen therapy is the right option in treating and managing menopausal symptoms. Jackson Heights menopause specialists use this approach, which is the most effective treatment to enable you to live a normal life.

What to Expect During the Treatment

Before you kick start the hormone therapy, the doctor evaluates your medical history for underlying conditions such as heart disease, kidney failure, asthma, lupus, liver disease, and more. 

The first thing is to book an appointment with your specialist who prepares you for the injection. At the clinic, you will take the prescription alongside all the instructions and guidelines. 

The doctor injects the drug into a muscle and schedules another injection every two weeks. The number of injections can increase depending on the severity of the symptoms. 

These injections do not require any hospitalization, and although you can do it at home, it is important to keep in touch with your healthcare provider.

Why an Estradiol Injection is the Most Effective 

Your doctor will prescribe estrogen injections to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and itchiness. Because of the risks of hormonal injections, it is desirable to follow the guidance of your doctor.

Who is the right candidate for an Estradiol injection?

An Estradiol injection treats various symptoms of menopause in women. It is the best choice for women in menopause. If you experience hot flashes, irritation, or vaginal changes, then you are the right candidate for this treatment.

Also, it regulates other processes in the body. For instance, estrogen deficiency in women is a common condition caused by hypogonadism. In men, estradiol injection helps to relieve prostate cancer symptoms but does not cure the disease.

You should not use an estradiol injection if you are pregnant, as it can increase the risk of miscarriage. 

Tell your specialist if you have any underlying conditions before the treatment.

How much time will an Estradiol injection take?

At the clinic, the injection will take less than 15 minutes after passing the preparation stage. 

Subsequently, your doctor schedules a follow-up appointment for more injections every 2-4 weeks. You can have the shots at home without visiting the clinic; however, you must contact your doctor for regular updates. 

What are the side effects of Estradiol injections?

Although it is used in treating menopause symptoms and other disturbances, there are several complications associated with an Estradiol injection. For this reason, take it under a prescription and in total guidance from your healthcare provider. 

The common side effects include loss of appetite, breast tenderness, weight gain, headache, fever, and bloating. Other women report low sex drive, migraines, vaginal discomfort, skin color changes, headaches, and dizziness. Alert your specialist if the above symptoms are severe.

The menopause stage is inevitable, and the symptoms should not stop you from doing what you love or living normally. The team at Raveco Medical is just a call or email away. Book an appointment today for hormonal therapy.

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