4 Ways to Make Your Foster Child’s Bedroom Fit Their Style

4 Ways to Make Your Foster Child's Bedroom Fit Their Style

When you first learned you were approved to foster a child in Edinburgh, there is no doubt you put together a lovely and welcoming bedroom for them to call their own. While the space may have met all the requirements, until you get to know your foster child, it’s hard to add personal touches and ensure the space works well for them and their needs. Now that some time has passed, and your foster child is settling in, the bedroom may need some tweaking.

Here’s a look at how you can make your foster child’s bedroom suit their personality and needs.

Let Your Foster Child Pick a Theme or Colour Palette

A theme or colour palette is what grounds a space and helps pull the entire look together. Whether the bedroom doesn’t have one yet, or it just doesn’t reflect your foster child’s personality, this is a good first step in terms of a makeover project. 

Be sure to get your foster child’s input on what they want, as this will be the space they need to feel comfortable in. A fresh coat of paint is one of the most cost-effective updates you can make, and yet it has a huge impact on the space.

Fun Pops of Décor Add Interest

Pops of décor are another fun way to update the space and make it more comfortable. Décor can be found in a variety of items but use the theme or colour palette as a way to keep things cohesive.

Some great décor ideas can include:

  • Decorative lamps
  • Throw blanket and pillows for the bed
  • Oversized bean bag chair in a fun colour or print
  • Brightly coloured bed sheets
  • An area rug

Because the bedroom doesn’t need to flow with the rest of the house in terms of style, children can be as creative as they want with the décor. If you offer foster care in Edinburgh you’ll have no shortage of shops to browse for the perfect décor pieces.

Personal Touches Bring a Sense of Uniqueness

Décor will certainly help to bring the room to life but personal touches are what make the space feel unique and give it a sense of warmth. Your foster child may have some photos that are important to them, so why not frame them and hang them? Other personal touches can be trinkets, collectibles, wall art they have created, and so forth. The great thing about personal touches is they can easily be updated and added to whenever you want.

Every Item Needs a Place to Be Stored

Then there is storage, which all too often gets overlooked. Every item should have a place so that nothing is lying on the floor or cluttering the tops of the furniture. An organized bedroom also tends to feel more inviting. The best type of storage will likely be a combination of pieces and space-saving solutions.

The goal of the makeover project should be to give your foster child the opportunity to express themselves and add personal touches to their bedroom so it’s a space they love spending time in.

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