Go West: The Sheer Untapped Beauty Of British Columbia

Go West: The Sheer Untapped Beauty Of British Columbia

Go West: The Sheer Untapped Beauty Of British Columbia

British Columbia is by far the most beautiful part of Canada. It’s the most western province of the country and because of that, there is so much untapped beauty. Here you will see tall trees upon mountainsides, greeting fast flowing rivers and misty valleys. It’s a place that makes the words gorgeous and mesmerizing redundant. The green lush vegetation and the amazing coastlines will bring you a layer of tranquility like no other. Canada is already a beautiful country but BC takes it to a whole new level. However, it’s also one of the provinces with few back streets and roads so as to not disturb the wildlife and nature of the land. This means you’ll need to set up the base first, and from there you can run around for a weekend discovering the untapped beauty that presents itself in your path.

By the river

Pitching tent is just a saying, it doesn’t mean you should literally sleep outside in the woods. Go to a small town, which is just by the South Thompson River to find one of the best hotel rooms in Kamloops. The views are spectacular from any room, as the river and forest are your perfect wake up companions. You have a choice of booking a king size and queen size bed for your room. You have access to a hot tub which is superb for those chilly nights when you want to watch the stars. And of course, you are served a hot breakfast that’s completely on the house. If you’re traveling with friends, the largest rooms can bed up to 4 people comfortably.

Combing through the mountains

As you would expect Canada has some of the best mountain ranges in the world. No more so, is the Blackcomb Mountain which is part of the Garibaldi Provincial Park. The park is much like a nature reserve because logging and wildlife hunting is kept in check here. The beauty of the mountain range is met by the sheer height of the Blackcomb Peak. It’s 2,436 meters above sea level, making it around a mile and a half tall. For reference, it’s located near Whistler and near a ski resort of the same name. During winter it’s common for the peak to be covered in ice and snow, but during the spring it’s an ideal time to either go hiking or climbing on this giant. There are also bike trails which you can follow with your own mountain bike if that’s what you fancy.

Organic taste in Kelowna

This small town is one of the best restaurant places in all of British Columbia. It has over 20 local vineyards alone which produce some of the purest wines around. Head over to Raudz where you can taste the local produce. It’s in a century-old heritage building so you can expect some of the best heritage foods such as baked fish and chips, hearty meat pies and plenty of roast beef.

British Columbia is by far the greatest part of Canada. It’s so tranquil and beautiful, but you also have cool towns dotted around that have their own unique cultures.

Go West: The Sheer Untapped Beauty Of British Columbia

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  1. We can’t wait to go see our friends in British Columbia one summer! These pics just made me want to go sooner lol

  2. Enriqueta E Lemoine

    Everybody says British Columbia is the most beautiful region of Canada. Your pics are proof. Now I want to go there…

  3. I’ve never been to Canada but I’ve always wanted to go. These pictures are gorgeous!

  4. It’s such a beautiful place to visit. I’ve never been but, it’s on my travel bucket list.

  5. It’s such a beautiful place to visit. I’ve never been but, it’s on my travel bucket list.

  6. I have heard Canada is beautiful. I wouldn’t mind taking a visit there, I haven’t been and everyone seems to love it. Those photos!!

  7. I’ve never been to Canada, but it is on my wander list. I love how BC preserves nature with not having many roads.

  8. Wow, I am amazed by how beautiful it is. Hopefully, I get to explore it by myself one day!

  9. I haven’t been to Canada yet but I know someone who lives there and they told me how beautiful that country is. Hope we can visit this in the future.

  10. Oh wow, that last photo is GORGEOUS! I love pretty skies so much. Would also love to visit British Columbia someday! 🙂

  11. The sheer beauty of those pictures give me goosebumps! I think Canada is underrated and I really want to visit there some day!

  12. I have not yet been to British Colombia before but looking at your pictures, it makes me want to include in my travel bucket list. The reflection of the mountains on the lake is just breathtaking. The nature in British Colombia is simply amazing.

  13. I’ve been to Victoria twice, Whistler, and Vancouver. British Columbia has gorgeous landscape and I can’t wait to return again. I’ve never to Kamloops, but I’m sure it will not disappoint!

  14. I can’t believe i’ve never been to BC yet!!! I keep on hearing how gorgeous it is. Soon i hope.

  15. What some beautiful locations it seems as British Columba has within it I would love to be able to explore myself one day! That picture with the pinky coloured sky is just beautiful as well.

  16. The photos of this place are gorgeous… sold! I live near the Napa Valley, so I’d be very interested in their vineyards and wine selection. Sounds like a great place to do it all.

  17. Wow, this place is incredibly beautiful. I have never been to Canada but its definitely on my list now.

  18. Oh wow, this is gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to go to Canada. One day, I hope.

  19. Canada is a big country filled with untapped tourist destination. the only downside is the cold.

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