Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

I’ve been making homemade spaghetti sauce yearly with the tomatoes that I have been getting from Emily Rae’s tomato patch, but this year I decided to change my recipe up a bit (for this batch only). As much as I love red pepper flakes in my sauce, the kids don’t. At all. If you missed making the trip to Ashburn, Georgia to get the best tomatoes in the world (I have to say that because truthfully they are and also because little Emily is my niece, lol) then you are out of luck for now because it’s closed while they wait for the next round of tomatoes to ripen. Be sure to click on the above link to add them on Facebook so you’ll know when they are opening the patch back up in the next go-round.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

I got my homemade spaghetti recipe out of the taste of home canning & preserves magazine, 2012. It’s been a hit since (with us big kids, again, the kids don’t like the zip the red pepper flakes creates but all that means is that I have to make two batches instead of one). I don’t know if you can still purchase this canning and preserving edition (maybe on eBay or somewhere?) but if you can find it, buy it. I’ve made so many of the recipes in this edition from candy apple jelly to pepper jelly. I tried to find it on shoptasteofhome.com but no luck. Mine is getting worn and I need a new copy so if you see one for sale anywhere, PLEASE let me know.

The recipe is pretty simple to follow. I’m going to give you the ingredient list straight from the magazine and let you decide if you want to add the red pepper flakes. Save this recipe in case you can’t find the magazine :(.

1. It takes 25 pounds of tomatoes which equals 1 box at Emily Rae’s tomato patch (about 16 large tomatoes if you have to buy them at the farmer’s market).

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

2. You will need 4 large green peppers seeded. I also got my peppers from Emily Rae’s tomato patch so I used half and half. The color really doesn’t matter. I’ve used just about every color of bell peppers there are.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

3. The recipe calls for 4 large onions but this time I used 3 (because that’s all I had on hand). It did not change the flavor.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

4. 4 6 oz cans of tomato paste (or 2 12 oz cans), whatever works for you and you have on hand.

5. 1 cup Canola Oil (I use Olive Oil, it’s just a preference).

6. 2/3 cups of sugar. The first time I made this sauce, I thought sugar was a strange ingredient to add but you’ll see how well everything blends in to create the best ever homemade spaghetti sauce.

7. 1/4 cup of salt. I used canning salt last year but this year I used iodized because it’s all I had on hand. Can you tell I don’t like to shop on the weekend when everyone else is running into the back of my heels in their mad hurry to get back home?

8. 8 garlic cloves (peel, peel, peel).

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

9. 4 teaspoons dried oregano. Last year I used all fresh herbs but this year due to moving (and in case I haven’t already said this a thousand times before, I am truly enjoying living in this little town, I wasn’t happy being alone all day, living in the middle of nowhere), I was late planting and my basil is the only herb I had luck growing.

10. 2 teaspoons of each of the following perennial herbs: parsley, basil, crushed red pepper, hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

11. 2 bay leaves (I use them in so many of my dishes).

12.  Blonde Chilli – Hot sauce, as desired.

13. 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons lemon juice. You can either squeeze your own juice or do as I do and buy bottled.

Go ahead and gather all of your ingredients while I take a coffee break.

Next, you will need to wash your tomatoes really well and place them 1 at a time in boiling water for 30 – 60 seconds so you can remove the peeling. Or, do like I did and put half of them in at a time lol.

Alyssa was sweet enough to wash mine for me. <3 the kids love to get in the kitchen with me.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Add your garlic, bell peppers, and onions to your food processor. A food processor is one of those products that no kitchen should be without. If you don’t have one, make the investment and you won’t be disappointed. Let me just give you a suggestion. I chop my garlic first then add each of the other ingredients, one at a time. There’s no reasoning behind this, it’s just the way I do it.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Now, be prepared for the most amazing smell in the world. Add all of the ingredients EXCEPT the lemon juice, and simmer uncovered for 4 to 5 hours. STIR OFTEN.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome


Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

5 hours later…

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce #tasteofhome

Go ahead and get your canning jars and lids ready. I wash mine in super hot water right before adding the sauce to them. Boil the flats.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to each of the jars and ladle your sauce on top leaving 1/2 inch headspace.

Process in a boiling water canner for 40 minutes.

That’s it. I want to note that it takes me 2 days to make this sauce because of my back injuries. Standing for long periods of time is just too painful.


Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

If you try this recipe, please let me know how well your family loves it (and they will) & or what adjustments you made to suit your family.


  1. Homemade Spaghetti Sauce is really more delicious that store-bought. I love your recipe that uses only the freshest ingredients.

  2. This looks so good! I would love to know how to make homemade spaghetti sauce but I’m not the best cook

  3. All those delicious ingredients!! The final product looks so amazing! I’ve thought of making my own homemade spaghetti sauce but looks like a lot of work lol!

    1. It’s super easy to make but time consuming because of peeling all of the tomatoes. I divide it up into two days.

  4. Oh yum! I love a good spaghetti sauce recipe! And this seems easy enough for even me!

  5. This looks like such a delicious sauce! It’s chunky and thick the way my family likes it – I also add sugar to my sauce; takes away the tangy undertone of the tomato.

  6. This looks awesome. This will come in handy for us too. We always have tons of tomatoes and wanted to do some canning of sauces. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Reading this just in time! I was just about to go get dinner on the stove– spaghetti! Thanks for this.

  8. I make my own sauce but from crushed tomato’s. Yours sound amazing, I need to be a better cook to pull that one off=)

  9. Just looking at the pictures of your ingredients made my mouth water. I used to make and can my own spaghetti sauce. It always tasted so much better than store-bought sauce.

  10. I’m going to forward this to my husband! He loves spaghetti but I’m tired of that nasty store bought sauce!

  11. this is great – I used to make homemade spaghetti sauce – but then as a professional cook for 100’s at a time I found a great way that was tasty and quick – but never can beat homemade from scratch – so funny we had it last night – and my hubby says sweet peppers don’t go in it! I’ll have to share this with him!

    1. Forgot to say thank you! 🙂

  12. That sounds like such a delicious sauce! I always enjoy homemade sauces best – I’ll have to try this! 🙂

  13. I have never made homemade Spaghetti Sauce. Thanks for the recipe, I want to make my own next time.

  14. This sauce looks delicious. I love homemade spaghetti sauce but don’t often have the time to make it.

  15. There is nothing better then a freshly made spaghetti sauce! My friend is Italian and I had had only canned or jarred sauce before meeting her. When her OMA made a fresh batch of spaghetti sauce I knew home made was the only way!

  16. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I use my mom’s recipe and ours is made in a crockpot. I love it because it simmers all day and the house smells awesome.

  17. I love your recipe! I haven’t done spaghetti sauce using real tomatoes ( but I know they’re gooood! ) – so this is something that I would love to learn and hopefully master this year. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  18. This is so awesome! I always wanted to know how to make my own spaghetti sauce and this is a pretty good visual. I can’t believe you have to cook the tomatoes for 5 hours. I will definitely try this.

  19. This is one of the best home made spaghetti sauce recipes I’ve seen. I can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks!

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