Cooking a Boston Butt with Butt Rub

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

I got a new toy.  Okay, maybe not a toy but I got something new for my kitchen and that’s just as good, if not better.  I’ve had this pan for some time now and I can honestly say that it’s the most used pan in my kitchen.

Something you may not know about me is that I love to grill out. But with the stormy weather we’re having here, it’s been too dangerous and too wet to even try to get outdoors to cook. And that’s okay thanks to my Swiss Diamond roaster. Not only is it now my favorite cooking dish, but it’s also the perfect gift idea for anyone who loves to cook as much as I do and it’s big enough to invite friends over as well. I live alone so I can’t say for sure but I have a feeling you’ll fight over who gets to cook dinner using this one of a kind Swiss Diamond cookware pans.

Let me just say that this is NOT a sponsored post. Bloggers such as myself are required to disclose such matters.

The Swiss Diamond roaster has so many cool features that I want to address before you check out my recipe. To start with, it’s a nonstick pan. Nothing is going to stick in this bad boy, making cleaning a breeze. Then there’s the fact that it uses real diamond crystals for maximum durability, highest release properties, and optimum heat transfer. This neat cookware brand is manufactured mainly in Switzerland by using a hydroelectric green power supply, clean in a clean and safe environment, and is controlled by the Swiss authorities. It’s one of the most unique cookware products I own and I’m loving it. Even the Wall Street Journal is impressed by its performance, naming it “the Rolls-Royce” of nonstick fry pans.

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

One of my favorite dishes in the Swiss Diamond Roaster is a baked Boston Butt with a delicious *Butt Rub. No butts about it, this Boston Butt is made even better from the perfect heating of the roaster. The recommended Butt Rub is made with all-natural ingredients and because of the shape of the roaster and its designed technology, your butt is going to turn out perfect every time. I don’t even need to add salt while it’s cooking with this Butt Rub. The seasoning bakes into it giving it a delicious flavor for when I want to serve it sliced instead of like pulled pork. No matter how you cook it, this Swiss Diamond Roaster gives superior performance to every meal.

I’ve created a Boston Butt recipe that’s perfect for a nice Father’s Day meal around the table. The aroma will call the family to the kitchen before it’s even finished. See how you can impress even the pickiest man with this faux grilled tasting Boston Butt.

Boston Butt with Butt Rub
Boston Butt
Bad Byron’s Butt Rub (you can purchase it at your favorite grocery store)
Red Potatoes

Are you ready to do some cooking? After washing your Swiss Diamond Roaster and letting it dry, wash your Boston Butt and add it to your pan. Preheat oven to 350. Sprinkle a hearty amount of Butt Rub on it and after your oven is ready, pop it in for 3 hours.

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Peel your potatoes and cook them to mashed. Now, let me tell you a little story. When my kids were little, I didn’t have a good mixer so my potatoes were always lumpy (single mom fully supporting 3 kids). I told the kids that’s how they’re supposed to be. And now that I do have a good mixer, they still want lumpy potatoes (because I told a fib and that’s how they think they’re supposed to be). I have lumpy mashed potatoes down pat, lol. After I drain the potatoes, I let them cool off some. After about 10 to 15 minutes, I heat 1 cup of milk, per 5 pounds of potatoes, and 1 stick of butter (the real stuff folks), until the butter is melted. I then turn off my pan and re-add my potatoes. I mash them leaving plenty of lumps and then serve. And that’s what I get for telling a fib but in all honesty, there’s nothing better than lumpy potatoes. Except for chocolate.

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Call the family to the kitchen and serve. Add a dollop of drippings to your lumpy mashed potatoes.

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Prepare your carrots and dice or slice an onion to add and add both to your roaster then pop back in the oven for an hour.

Please pin the below image to your followers or use my share buttons to send a quick share.  Thank you.

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

I’d love to know your thoughts on my new Swiss Diamond Roasting Pan. Would you consider buying it as a gift or would you rather gift it to yourself?

Check out the below infographic from

Boston Butt with Butt Rub for Father's Day Recipe

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  1. Firstly, I love the name of Butt Rub… I have never heard of it before and it’s hilarious! Secondly, that pan looks amazing, I need one! x

  2. That cracks me up that it’s called the butt rub! It looks like such a great way to cook a good meal.

  3. Agentszerozerosetter

    Ok, I nead that roaster in my life! This is a delicious recipe, would make hungry anyone!

  4. We don’t eat meat anymore, but when we did, we would have totally gone for something like this!

  5. This looks like a delicious dinner for dad. I will be trying this recipe soon.

  6. Looks like the perfect thing for a father’s day celebration. The butt roast just looks too delicious although I imagine it’s slightly more fatty but that’s not a bad thing with roasts. I would love to try this out.

  7. This looks like an awesome roasting pan and recipe! I need a really good roasting pan. I think I need to check this out.

  8. Perfect to bring out on Father’s Day!! You know dads love those good eats!

  9. I have been wanting to try one of these! My friend got one for Christmas and she brags about it so much!

  10. Ha! I had never heard of Boston Butt or Butt Rub before, but it’s definitely something my dad would get a kick out of for Father’s Day. Thanks for the suggestion!

  11. The perfect gift for the dad who enjoys the kitchen! My husband loves cooking — just not cleaning up.

  12. A great brand name and anything that makes cooking easier: a great gift!

  13. With a name like with Swiss diamond i expect this to have many features. And it appears that it delivers! I love roasting as well and appreciate a recipe that you shared. Can’t wait to try this roaster out!

  14. This looks absolutely perfect. I can smell it and it reminds me of home. <3

  15. This looks really good. I don’t have a pan like this but it seems like it would serve a purpose to cook a bunch of things. I’ve never heard of butt rub…where do you buy it?

  16. My husband would love this roast for fathers day. I need to try this spice.

  17. I am not going to lie, I am way more of a breast girl over a butt girl… So I would probably pass on this recipe. But that cooker looks pretty top notch!

  18. How good does that pan look! I have to admit I’ve never heard of butt rub before but now I want to check it out and try it for myself.

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