How to Pack Jewelry for Travel: The Complete Guide

How to Pack Jewelry for Travel: The Complete Guide

Are you going on a vacation soon? Are you wondering how to pack jewelry for your trip?

There’s no doubt that packing is one of the hardest parts of traveling. After all, how are you supposed to fit everything you need into one tiny suitcase? And while jewelry may be easy to pack in terms of size, it can be difficult to figure out how to pack it without it getting all tangled or without losing it.

If you’re wondering how to pack jewelry, you’ve come to the right place.

Read on to learn how to pack jewelry for travel.


Necklaces can easily tangle themselves into a hot mess. Whether you’re packing Laura Janelle products or something else, here are our tips for packing necklaces:


You can loop one end of the necklace through a straw and then fasten the clip. While the straws take up a bit of extra room in your suitcase, this is the best way to ensure your necklaces stay tangle-free.

Silk Jewelry Bag or Plastic Bag

If you have a silk jewelry bag, we recommend draping the chain out so that it’s around the bag’s clasp. This way, the necklace won’t get tangled. For plastic bags, we recommend using one bag per necklace.


The great thing about rings is that they’re not at risk of getting tangled like necklaces and bracelets. However, rings are very small and very easy to lose, which is why you should never just throw them in your suitcase.

We recommend either packing your rings in small plastic or tucking them into a silk jewelry bag with your necklaces.

You could also invest in a jewelry roll or jewelry organizer to pack your rings and other jewelry items.


With bracelets, you can use the same straw trick that you use for necklaces. But, because bracelets are shorter, you’ll need to trim the straw down a bit.

Another trick to try is to roll up a washcloth and then slide the bracelets over it. Then, tuck the entire towel (with bracelets) into a Ziploc bag.


If you’re not bringing a jewelry roll or organizer with you, you have two options for packing your earrings: buttons or cardboard.

With the button method, all you have to do is insert the earring through the buttonhole. Then, gather all of your earring buttons and put them in a small jewelry pouch.

The other option is to get a stiff piece of cardboard and punch holes in the cardboard that you can insert the earrings through. Then, you can slide the entire piece of cardboard into a plastic bag. The benefit of this method is that you’ll be able to look at all your earrings at a glance.

How to Pack Jewelry: Wrap Up

Now that you know how to pack jewelry, it’s time to put these tips into action.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out our blog for more travel-related tips and tricks.

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