How to Practice Self-care

You will have heard a lot about self-care over the last few years, as nourishing your body and taking time out for yourself has become an increasingly popular way to deal with increased stresses. The fact of the matter is that self-care is extremely important, and it essentially involves ensuring that you’re as healthy, both physically and mentally, as you can be.

It means learning to focus on yourself and if that involves having so say “no” to demands that you’d struggle to meet, then so be it. Looking after yourself needn’t cost you an arm and a leg, so resist buying into expensive commercial trends, and learn how to pamper yourself at home with the following four suggestions. 

Get in The Tub 

How to Practice Self-care

Balancing busy professional and personal lives can be a challenge, and one that can lead to stress, upset, and anxiety. It’s hard work to make sure all elements consistently come together, and it can come at a price. Overdoing things is a sure-fire way to propel yourself into burnout. 

You should learn to reclaim some time in the day for yourself, in ways that benefit your health ideally. Instead of reaching straight for the chilled bottle of wine when you come home, think about relaxing in a bath with bath salts, aromatherapy oils, and a book. Leave all portable devices outside of the bathroom, and use this time to lay back and empty your mind. 

Find Time To Have a Massage 

How to Practice Self-care

Massages are fantastic for your body, as there are a whole host of health benefits associated with releasing toxins, stimulating new skin cell growth, and regulating healthy blood flow. Massages tend to differ in price depending on the kind of massage you receive, its duration, and where you go for it. It’s worth shopping around to compare prices and to read reviews as well, so consider the possibility of having a monthly massage to calm both your body and mind with the likes of and enjoying body massage and holistic therapy. 

Create Structure and Routine 

How to Practice Self-care

Self-care is about looking after yourself, but it also concerns looking after the tasks you have to do. You need all aspects of your life to come together to avoid stress, and you should feel as though you have everything under control to be able to fully unwind. Adding structure and routine allows you to get a grasp of some order, to organize, to stay in the loop, and feel as though you have a purpose. 

Add simple structure by waking up at the same time each day, allowing enough time to get ready for work and having a cup of fresh coffee, and finding time to workout at least five times a week. Keep a diary, and note all functions, dates, and tasks onto a calendar. If you feel as though you’re losing touch or becoming less organized, then start off small and slowly build back up to add routine to each of your days. 

Drink Plenty of Water 

How to Practice Self-care

Filtered water is inexpensive to prepare at home, so remember to drink enough fluids to keep you feeling perky all day. You should aim to drink at least two liters each day, and more if you’re especially active or if it’s warm weather. 

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  1. I love getting a massage to help me de-stress and unwind. It’s pure bliss 🙂

    Louise x

  2. Self care is so important. I definitely notice the difference when I don’t make myself a priority.

  3. These tips are perfect. I’ve been struggling with self care lately. I just haven’t had (or created?) a lot of time for it.

  4. Overdoing it does lead to burnout. It’s hard for me though, to not go go go when it comes to work.

  5. Nursery rhymes girl

    I love this post because I already felt that has written to me. Thanks for sharing. Happy blogging!

  6. Cynthia Nicoletti

    WE all need to take that self care time daily. IT is so important for us and our health.

  7. Alvern @ Success Unscrambled

    I just drank some water while reading your post and I am saving all my messages for a special occasion. I did use tea tree oil in my hair over the weekend and it was so relaxing. It is so important to have structure and routine in my life. I cannot live without it.

  8. Even simple steps like checking on water supply, taking time for self pamper make a lot of difference over time. I enjoy it through and through so much!

  9. yes al these are great tips to stay fresh and healthy.Self care is most important,specially for busy moms.Thanks for such a wonderful sharing.

  10. I always believe in self-care, the most important thing we need prioritize in life especially being a woman. I agree with all the listed items you posted here. Thanks for reminding us again!

  11. I do a lot of these! I am working on drinking more water and I so could use a massage. I like to read for my self care!

  12. I am all for me time. My gym time is how I have time to recharge.

  13. Heather @ US Japan Fam

    My goodness you know I think I haven’t taken a solo bath since before kids, so 6.5 years!?!?! It’s about time… thanks for the inspiration!!

  14. Self-care is SO important. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just something to help center you. Thanks for sharing!

  15. One thing I miss since I moved into a new apartment is the bathtub. I used to love taking long relaxing bubble baths, they always made me feel so good.

  16. I am all about self-care, the luxurious and the not so luxurious. I liked your point about creating structure and routine, sometimes making your life a little more organized is the MOST beneficial form of self-care.

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