Is It Time To Update The Home Games Room

Is It Time To Update The Home Games Room

The past year of lockdowns, social distancing, and travel restrictions has seen sweeping changes to the way that we work, rest, and play.

Closures of gyms and sporting facilities as well as theaters, clubs and live concert venues means that people have had to find other ways of entertaining themselves. This has been made even harder, given the fact that permitted attendee numbers have been severely restricted for events and general socializing.

A switch to virtual reality has been evident (and unsurprising) in the past year of pandemics. Online gaming, movie streaming, and online concerts have taken the place of amusement arcades, movie theaters, and live entertainment venues.

Despite this, humans are basically social beings and the need for real-world social contact is fundamentally important. Perhaps it is a good time to re-vamp the home games room.

Re-inventing the home games room

Most people these days have some form of home entertainment space, whether it be a home theater room, a dining pool table combo, games, an activity room, or the good old man-cave.

Firstly, table games and arcade games traditionally found their place in a public entertainment arcade. Typically, many people adorned their games room with a pool table or a ping-pong table. 

Now is a good time to re-think that theme and look at something a little more novel. One idea is to visit Air Hockey Geek official website and choose the best bubble hockey table as a centerpiece for that rejuvenated entertainment area.

Remember that that focus is on space for mixing and socializing with family and small groups of friends.

Make the space welcoming

The décor of a home games area is really only limited by imagination. Whatever you choose to decorate and furnish the games room, the thing to remember is that it should be welcoming and create a mood that will want people to stay for a while.

Many people already have a dedicated game or entertainment room. In this case, a re-vamping of existing décor may be all that is needed. For others, perhaps a little-used spare room or a vacant garage could find new life as a games room.

Make it physical

Many people have found themselves leading a very sedentary lifestyle, given the need for lockdowns and restrictions on general movement and activity. After such a dormant period, it’s time to start planning for more physical social activity. Perhaps the games room can include weights or gym equipment

More active table games – inspiring movement and playful competition – could take the place of the more sedate home movie entertainment center.

Top things off with a bar or refreshment center, and it’s quite possible to create a nice space for family and friends to relax and take their minds off the worries of the day.


Social distancing and restrictions have changed the way people seek out entertainment. Travel restrictions have meant that many have had to change their ideas for the usual outings and family holidays.

Give some thought to revitalizing your home games room or entertaining space as a way of taking back control of your socializing and relaxation time.

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