Summer is on the way, meaning it’s a chance to get outside more and have fun! But as your summer wardrobe is always going to show a little more skin, it can be a cause for concern if your skin isn’t quite up to scratch. So before busting out the short- shorts and tank tops, here’s how you can get yourself looking your best.
Hair Removal
Of course, hair removal is a personal choice. If you decide not to remove your body hair then that’s up to you, but if you prefer to be smooth then this is something to tackle before getting your shorts and dresses on. Shaving is a great quick and pain-free option, but it does mean you’ll probably have to shave every day to every few days to stay very smooth. Waxing and epilating are effective options, and although painful they remove the hair from the root. Results can last for a number of weeks so ideal if you’re going on holiday or just don’t want to mess around with shaving. If you’re serious about removing body hair, laser hair removal can get rid of it entirely. This can be expensive but is a fantastic permanent option, especially useful if you’re very conscious of your body hair and don’t want to have to worry about it again.
Rashes, Moles, and Skin Tags
Rashes, moles, and skin tags are usually harmless and are more of a cosmetic issue. Although it goes without saying that you should get checked out by a doctor, they will be able to recommend treatment and removal too. Rashes usually require cream or a simple lifestyle change, and moles can either be monitored or removed if they look problematic or you’re insecure about the way you look. You can usually remove skin tags safely at home, but do ask your GP if you’re not sure. All of these little details will have you looking good and get rid of any insecurities.
Moisturising and Tan
Finally, keeping your legs moisturized will have them at their best. Not only is dry skin uncomfortable but it doesn’t look great too. If you’re naturally quite pale, you might find popping on a bit of fake tan makes you look a little healthier and feel more confident- but it’s all about your personal preference. If you prefer to embrace your paleness, do that! If you are going to fake tan, spend time exfoliating and moisturizing your legs first for the best base. Use a tan that’s designed for your skin tone, for example, if you’re fair then use tan for fair skin to avoid it looking streaky, orange, and unnatural on you. Gradual tan can be effective, you can build it up over a few days for a nice, natural finish. Just don’t forget to use a tanning mitt to avoid fake tan hands- they’re near impossible to clean!
Are you ready for summer? Do you have your summer wardrobe ready, and your skin up to scratch?
We all have to be careful for our skin especially in the summer months. I try to stay out of the sun but sometimes that can be impossible.
Great tips! I am super pale and also prone to skin cancer, which makes tanning out of the question (plus, wrinkles). This year I am going to try and embrace my paleness 🙂
I plan to go into laser hair removal. Unfortunately, waxing is not for me because later I have a problem with hair that does not go into the surface of the skin and I`m bored to shaving my legs every day.
These are great tips! I live in a tropical country though so I do these things during the entire year. Haha! I can’t live without moisturizer because it’s pretty hot here now, especially since we’re already right smack in the middle of summer.
I love summer! I’m ready for the beach. This was a great post and summer is definitely the month were your skin is a bit high maintenance. Thanks for sharing!
During the summer I go through gallons of moisturizer. I’m a kayaking fool and hiker, spending most of my time outdoors in the summer, I go through a lot of body creams.
I am terrible as I shave every day unless I am too sick to stand in the shower and do it lol, which is rare. There is just something about my legs touching each other when I am in bed, and I don’t like them to feel prickly. I am lacking the tan and long legs lol. Otherwise, I will be ready because I am tired of our wintery weather in April.
I am ready for summer, even been sunbathing for a couple of days, when the temperatures were high. I agree that moisturizing is absolutely necessary, not only in winter but in summer as well.
I wish my skin was ready for summer but the not so cool thing about hair is that it grows back super quick ahah! so i am good for two weeks with a dress and then, jeans again until it’s long enough for waxing! but otherwise, i am fully ready! got loads of dresses!