Spring is Almost Here! Follow These 5 Landscaping Tips to Prepare

Spring is Almost Here! Follow These 5 Landscaping Tips to Prepare

Are you among the 36% of Americans who say that spring is their favorite season?

With the long, dark days of winter behind us, it’s time to enjoy the great outdoors again. The first place many of us start is with our own yard and garden.

If you live somewhere with cold, snowy winters, spring landscaping is especially vital for the health and appearance of your yard. Even if you live somewhere milder, it’s still important to do some spring lawn maintenance.

There are a number of professionals to turn to for help with designing and maintaining your backyard. A landscape designer can create a garden that is anchored by the home, connected with the environment, and welcoming on the exterior. Consulting a landscaper near me could be beneficial when preparing new lawns.

Springtime is the perfect time to get outside and landscape your way to calm. Here are 9 landscaping tips to use in the coming weeks.

1. Start with a General Inspection

Before you begin spring landscaping, you should start with an inspection of your yard.

If it was a windy or stormy winter, did any of your trees suffer damage? Are there soggy or dead spots in your lawn that need attention? Do you have any improvement ideas in mind for the upcoming season?

Prune any limbs that are damaged or broken, or call in a professional to have them removed. If your lawn has some bare patches lingering from the wintertime, Sod Depot of Tampa Bay can help.

2. Consider the Local Climate

Just because you’re in love with gardenias or rhododendron doesn’t mean they’ll thrive in your locale.

Like it or not, we’re somewhat limited by our geographic location. Before you get your heart set on a certain type of flower or tree, do some research. How well does your chosen plant grow in your area?

You also need to consider the layout of your yard or garden. Some plants need more shade to thrive, while others need direct sunlight. Take inventory of the sunny and shady spots on your property so you can plant accordingly.

3. Prepare for Pests

Do you know which types of pests are common in your area? Is your area frequented by beetles, ladybugs, deer, or rabbits?

There’s nothing more devastating than having your beautiful landscaping ruined by local wildlife or bugs. If necessary, put up some fencing or wire mesh to protect your landscaping from invaders.

If you’re not sure what you need to keep your plants safe, check with your local nursery or supply store.

4. Test the Soil

When’s the last time you tested the pH balance and nutrient levels in your soil?

If it’s been a while (or you’ve never done it), now’s the perfect time. You don’t want to spend valuable time and money putting new plants in unhealthy soil.

Purchase a testing kit at your local garden supply store, or take a sample to the agricultural office in your town. Based on the results, you’ll know what type of fertilizer you need–if any.

5. Fertilize the Lawn

If the test results show that your soil needs more nutrients, look for a fertilizer that supplies what it needs.

While many types of grass need fertilizer in the spring, others perform better when fertilized in the summer or fall. Controlled release or slow release fertilizers result in better absorption and less impact on the environment.

Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the bag. Using too much fertilizer can actually harm your lawn, while too little won’t produce the desired results.

Many trees and shrubs can also benefit from seasonal fertilizing. Before you add any mulch, give these plants the nutrients they need in the form of fertilizer.

6. Consider Future Growth & Maintenance

That tiny shrub may look ideal now–but what about when it grows over six feet high?

Before planting anything new, make sure you know how large it will eventually grow. You’ll need this information so you can properly space everything out without gaps or crowding.

What if you’re considering selling your home? Choose low-maintenance flowers, shrubs, and trees. While you might enjoy working in the yard and getting your hands dirty, others may not.

If your yard requires too much maintenance–no matter how attractive it is–this could be a turnoff to potential homebuyers.

7. Plan for Weed Control

Springtime is the ideal time to begin your offense against invaders. Apply some pre-emergent weed control to ward off crabgrass and other unwanted weeds.

While you’re at it, rake up any dead leaves and clear the flowerbeds of winter debris. Use an edging tool to create neat, attractive borders around the bed.

Not only is this aesthetically pleasing, but it leaves less room for weeds to invade.

8. Add Some Mulch

To keep those plants happy and thriving all summer long, now’s the time to add a thin layer of mulch.

Start with about 1-2 inches of mulch in your flowerbeds and around any trees. For best results, make sure the mulch doesn’t accumulate around tree trunks.

Why is mulch so important? As it decomposes, it increases the amount of organic matter in your soil. It also keeps plant roots cool in the summertime and insulated during the winter.

9. Inspect Your Sprinklers

A final area to consider during spring landscaping is your property’s irrigation system.

Once the weather is warm enough, fire up your sprinklers or garden hose. Is everything in good working order? Do you notice any cracks, leaks, or broken sections?

If something needs repair, make sure to address it before those hot summer days set in. You can always consult a landscaping or irrigation company if you need professional advice.

The Best Spring Landscaping Tips: Now You Know

It’s time to put away those coats and sweaters for another year. Springtime is upon us, so get out there and soak up some sunshine!

To make sure your yard and garden are ready, keep these landscaping tips in mind. Then you’re sure to have an outdoor area your family can enjoy all spring and summer long.

Want to make your backyard even more enjoyable? A pergola is a perfect way to beautify your home while adding shade and privacy.

Click here to learn more.

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1 Comment

  1. My brother is really looking to spice up his backyard and add a nice cooking area so they can do BBQ’s a lot. He would really love to have it done by a professional so that it will be high quality. I’ll be sure to tell him that he should look for some plants that grow well in his area and if they need to be in shade or not. http://www.hufscape.com

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