What Are the Signs of a Dog Skin Allergy? How to Sooth Your Pet’s Itching

What Are the Signs of a Dog Skin Allergy? How to Sooth Your Pet's Itching

Is your dog constantly scratching and itching? This may mean that your dog has a dog skin allergy.

There are different signs that you can look for to know if your dog does have a skin allergy. This article will go through some common ones and the types of dog skin allergy treatment you can undergo.

Dog Skin Allergy

Dogs can experience skin allergies from a range of factors. This includes atopic dermatitis, which is when dogs are allergic to pollen, insects, and grass. This can be a seasonal allergy (mostly prominent during spring) but they may exhibit symptoms throughout the year.

Another common type of dog skin allergy comes from their allergy to food. A vet will likely request a detailed account of the different types of food your dog has been eating, along with the ingredients.

They may also be facing flea allergy dermatitis, where they become allergic to the saliva of fleas.

These are some common signs of dog skin allergies:

  • Itching and scratching
  • Licking
  • Red skin
  • Losing fur
  • Skin or ear infections

When you have identified these symptoms, it’s likely that your dog will need treatment for its allergies. The best way to find out what your dog suffers from is to go to the vet.

Dog Skin Allergies Treatment

The treatment for dog skin allergies will depend on the type of allergy. You can use a pet safe detergent for cases when your dog’s skin seems to be sensitive towards the cleaning products you use.

If your dog is experiencing a flea allergy, you will need to use flea control products and medicine. Your main goal in these cases is to get rid of any fleas in the dog’s environment.

You may also need to vacuum your area more and throw the waste in the vacuum bag often. To prevent any fleas from growing in the vicinity, you can use insecticides or hire an exterminator.

If your dog faces a food allergy, you have to avoid the ingredients that are making them sick. This will mostly involve going to the vet and going through a food trial.

If your dog has atopic dermatitis, you can start with preventative treatments. This includes using steroids or cleaning them more regularly. You can also purchase oral medication, such as antihistamines.

Once you know the exact cause of their allergies, the best thing you can do is to avoid environments with allergens.

How to Know When Your Dog Has Skin Allergies

Dog skin allergy can often result in itching, licking, skin or ear infections, and losing fur. If you’ve identified these symptoms and noticed that they don’t go away after a certain period of time, it may be time to start finding out their allergy.

The type of allergies they face will dictate the types of treatments available to them.

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