The average home has around 100 different kinds of bugs living in it. While some are so small that we don’t notice them, there are certainly a good amount of nuisances in the mix. These unwanted houseguests make themselves at home, crawling, biting, buzzing, and generally disturbing the peace.
Aside from being bothersome, some bugs can also carry serious diseases and pose other hazards to the health of you and your family. But don’t panic: there are ways to get rid of household insects and keep them out for good.
Read on for our top 10 tips for keeping household insects out of your home for good.
1. Look For Points of Entry Around Your Home
If household insects are entering your home, there’s usually a place where they’re getting in. If you’re wondering how to keep bugs out of your house, fully inspect the perimeter of your home for any gaps, crevices, or cracks where they could enter. Another place to check is your roof as well as any holes around pipes or utility lines.
In the event that you find something, fill in the gap with sheet metal, copper mesh, or mortar. That way, no more household insects will be able to get in.
2. Adjust Your Lighting
If there’s one thing that most household insects can’t resist, it’s a bright light. To avoid attracting pests such as moths, June bugs, mosquitos, and gnats, limit the number of lights in and around your house at night.
Another thing to remember is to avoid placing lights near points of entry, such as doors or windows.
If you must have lights, choose dimmer bulbs (such as halogen) or bulbs with yellow, pink, or orange tints. These are generally less attractive to household insects.
3. Inspect Your Doors and Windows
If there are any cracks or gaps in your doors and windows, these could be potential points of entry for household insects. Be sure to check all the doors and windows of your home for weak spots, making necessary repairs as needed. Also, make sure your screens are fully attached and free of holes or tears.
4. Clean Your Home’s Exterior
Garbage, debris, and standing water can all attract household insects to your home and potentially become a breeding ground. Be sure you’re regularly cleaning your yard and keeping it clear. It’s also a good idea to keep trash cans securely closed to prevent household bugs from feeding on the contents. You might have to contact a professional for dead animal removal.
5. Keep Food Items Put Away
If household insects are finding food in your home, then this will attract even more of them. Be sure you’re storing all food in tightly-sealed containers, away from where bugs can get to it. When you have fresh fruit, store it in the refrigerator to avoid attracting fruit flies.
Pet food will also attract household insects to your home, so make sure you’re storing food in sealed containers and rinsing out bowls of any leftover residue after feeding.
6. Don’t Leave Dirty Dishes Out
If you need a good reason to keep up with your dishes around the house, here it is: anything lying around with food residue can attract tons of household insects into your home. Avoid leaving dirty plates, bowls, and cups around the house.
Another thing to watch out for is your sink. Don’t leave it filled with water and dirty dishes, as you’ll create an irresistible buffet (and potential breeding ground) for annoying household insects.
7. Keep Your Home Clean
Household insects love finding little morsels around your home, such as crumbs, spills, and other messes. To keep them away, one of the most effective things you can do is keep your home clean and free of things they could potentially feed on.
Vacuum your home at least once a week and make it a goal to sweep your kitchen daily. On top of that, develop a weekly schedule that will allow you to keep up with the various cleaning chores around your home.
You also want to avoid clutter, as paper can attract cockroaches and many other household bugs enjoy dark hiding places, too.
8. Inspect Used Clothing and Furniture Before Bringing It Into Your Home
Bringing in contaminated pieces, such as clothing or furniture, is one of the top ways an infestation starts. The most common culprit here is bed bugs, which feed on blood at night and leave painful, itchy bumps all over the body. Plus, they breed fast and are incredibly difficult to get rid of.
If you’re bringing used furniture or clothing into your home, be sure to thoroughly inspect it first. You probably won’t be able to see the bugs themselves, but you might see reddish or rust-colored stains or dark stains from fecal matter. If any piece is suspect, do not bring it into your home.
If you believe you have a bed bug infestation in your home, learn more about getting rid of them at
9. Repel Household Insects
Once you’ve done what you can to avoid attracting household insects, you may want to try actively repelling as well. Luckily, there are many ways to do this.
For example, ants hate the smell of vinegar. Create a diluted mixture of 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar and spray it around problem areas. You can also leave out cucumber skins or spices such as cinnamon, black pepper, or chili powder.
For flying insects such as mosquitoes, citronella works as an effective repellant. You can purchase burning coils, candles, and scented pieces at most drug stores. However, many of these need to stay outside, so be sure you read the label.
10. Trap and Kill Household Insects
When all else fails, you might need to consider poisons and traps to take care of household insects. Be sure you’re keeping these away from children or pets, though.
Ban Household Insects Today
Household insects are not only bothersome; they’re potentially dangerous. Luckily, keeping them out of your home is possible if you take the right steps. Now that you know how to keep most common household insects out of your home, you can ban them for good.
For more advice, check out our other blog entries.