6 Essential Items for Your Summer Beauty Kit

6 Essential Items for Your Summer Beauty Kit

Summer is just around the corner and holidays are in order for many people, but this season is not all fun and games. While summer does present you plenty of opportunities to explore the outdoors, relax by the beach, or take a well-deserved vacation, the intense heat and sunlight that comes with it puts you at an increased risk for certain conditions, like heatstroke and dehydration. Aside from negatively affecting your health, excessive heat and sun exposure can jeopardize your skin and lead to excessive skin dryness, sunburn, and melasma or the appearance of gray-brown patches. It can even make you more prone to exhibiting early signs of skin aging or developing skin cancer in the long run.

These are but few of the reasons why you have to change up your skincare routine and products to fit the season. This summer, make sure you’re protected while out in the sun by packing the following items in your beauty kit:

      1. Sun protection
        Right at the top of the list is protection against the damaging effects of the sun, which is something everyone absolutely needs. Sunscreens come in different forms, but the American Academy of Dermatology recommends products that are water resistant, have an SPF of 30 or higher, and offer broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Apply it all over your face and body 15 minutes before heading out and every 2 hours after swimming, as directed on the bottle. At the same time, make an effort to rehydrate and to keep out of the sun as often as possible.
      2. After-sun care
        It is important to tend to your skin after walking under the sun, even if you put on sunscreen beforehand. You may have gotten extra protection but you still need to check if you’ve missed a spot or if the sunscreen you applied wasn’t enough to prevent sun damage. Once you do find a spot that’s been sunburned, make sure it heals as quickly and as painlessly as possible by using after sun-care products like IOPE’s Essential Moisture Relief Cream. This soothes your skin, protects it from environmental damage, as well as increases its moisture retention.
      3. Moisturizer
        The heat of the sun can do more than give you a sunburn, it can also increase the evaporation rate and make your skin dryer than usual. This can prompt your skin to produce more oil, which will serve as a good moisture barrier but also attract dirt that can potentially clog your pores and cause breakouts. At the same time, slathering on thick moisturizer isn’t exactly an enticing prospect when you’re faced with intense heat. Switch out your thick winter moisturizer for one with a lightweight, non-greasy formula that won’t feel heavy on your skin.
      4. Exfoliator
        Your skin goes through a lot every summer, which can prevent it from looking its best. Exfoliation can help you reveal a brighter complexion and get rid of dead skin cells and accumulated dirt and grime. Remember, though, that exfoliating should be done in moderation. During summer, once or twice a week is good enough, but hold off exfoliation if you have a sunburn to prevent further damaging sensitive skin.  
      5. Haircare
        You definitely shouldn’t forget about caring for your hair this summer. Cover it up when you’re out in the sun or sport a more comfortable hairstyle to prevent pulling your strands. You can also add shampoo or conditioner that offers UV protection in your list of products, to give your hair an extra level of protection against sun damage. In addition, a leave-in conditioner can also protect your hair against the effects of chlorine and saltwater.
      6. Bug protection
        Last but not the least, you need to prepare for bugs, which can ruin any holiday. Bug bites can be annoying, but they can also transmit a host of diseases. Authorities iterate that products with synthetic repellents like DEET and picaridin are safe as long as they are used according to instructions. At the same time, avoid using the product over irritated or broken skin, under your clothes, or applying too much of it. If you don’t feel comfortable using bug repellents, you can also wear long-sleeved clothes and pants and, if you have infants, using mosquito netting over their carrier.Take a good look at what’s in your summer beauty kit. Is it enough to effectively protect against sun damage and bug bites? If not, there’s still time to change products and add new ones that will let you enjoy the sun and the outdoors safely.

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