Image by kalhh from Pixabay
You never know what’s around the corner and you never know if you’re going to receive bad news or good news. It could be unexpected in either circumstance, but even if you have gone to the doctor for some results or you know that a loved one is terminally ill, there is still no real way to prepare yourself for when you receive the terrible news. However, if you know that bad news could be a possibility then it’s a good idea to take someone with you when you go and find out, and it doesn’t matter if this is life-changing news, life-threatening news or just news – if it is going to affect you then take someone with you. Remember things like hearing tests and eye tests can be life-changing, so don’t underestimate these things, but learn more about what to expect.
No matter how you receive it, bad news is never welcomed, and it can throw you into a complete emotional tailspin, stall pretty much everything and even drive you to make irrational and reactionary decisions. While there is no avoiding or preparing for bad news, there are, however, ways you can cope or learn to deal with it once you have received the bad news.
Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, learning you have just lost your job, finding out your teenager is using drugs or has dropped out of school, being told you’re about to be sued or some other negative news, the first thing you must do is give yourself time to process the unexpected information. Take some deep breaths, clear your mind and calm yourself. It is very important to take a moment to ensure that you don’t say anything rash that you don’t mean or do something drastic that can make the situation worse..
Don’t Jump To Conclusions
It’s natural for you to start thinking the worst and go to extremes when you receive bad news, but try to avoid this at all costs, as it doesn’t do you or anyone else any good and it certainly doesn’t help you when you’re trying to come up with a plan for what to do next.
Get The Facts
While emotions run high and it’s tough to focus on the facts, but this is what you must do. Get the most accurate information possible on what just happened.
Work Out What You Need To Do
Take some time to assess what your responsibilities are concerning the news you just received. Does it affect you directly or personally? Is this news something that doesn’t immediately affect you? Once you know how you’re affected, you’ll be better able to determine a rational approach.
Ask For Help
You might need some support to help you with this unfortunate news, for example if you have just found out that a close family member has died then you are likely to be an emotional wreck and not able to think clearly. Others may need to take over some of your responsibilities, such as caring for your children or if you’ve got anything important going on at work. By getting the help and support of friends, relatives, co-workers, and others, you’ll have less distraction and can focus on what matters most.
Once you have processed the bad news, established all the facts, worked out what your responsibilities are and what you need to do and asked for support, it’s time to put together a plan. How you act and what you do will be critical not only to you and your future but also others who depend on you. Weigh and balance different approaches as you construct your plan. After you’ve done so, select the best option and get to work.