Best Romantic Road Trips Ideas for Couples in 2021

Whether you’re looking for where to go for an anniversary trip or you want to see new places, romantic trip ideas promise unforgettable experiences with your lover. For starters, road trips are relaxing; talk about endless miles of scenery, your favorite song on replay, and your hair dancing to the wind. These romantic trip ideas also improve communication since you’re not distracted by work, school, or children. Since you spend most of your time together, these romantic trip ideas reveal what you and your partner have in common. This way, you appreciate each other and look forward to more romantic trip ideas together. But picking a destination from numerous romantic trip ideas isn’t always easy. Here are some romantic long drive ideas you can try with the lover you met on free hookup sites.

Best Romantic Road Trips Ideas for Couples in 2021

1. Pacific Coast Highway, U.S.A

Sea stacks, endless skies, towering trees; you name it, you can never go wrong with the PCH in your romantic trip ideas. The road covers three states; Washington, California, and Oregon. You can even drive to Mexico if you’re adventurous enough. You could go southward or northward on this highway. While both directions offer breathtaking scenery, going south promises easy turnout access and better coastline views since you’re nearer the ocean.

On the other hand, you can go north if you enjoy cliffs and barren hillsides. This highway presents numerous romantic trip ideas. For instance, San Diego presents zoos, majestic buildings, and fine beaches. Similarly, Los Angeles boasts of theme parks, museums, movie theatres, and galleries. You could also stop over at Monterey, home to the Coast Guard Pier and Monterey Jazz Festival. Not forgetting the glorious Oregon Dunes and eateries in San Simeon.

2. Transfagarasan Highway, România

The Transfagarasan Highway traverses the Făgăraş Mountains, separating southern and northwestern Romania. This 94-mile road starts at Cartisoara in Sibiu County and stretches to Albeștii de Argeș village. The highway’s popularity increased in 2009 after Top Gear highlighted its twists and tunnels. This road is also significant to Romania’s history, having been constructed in the early 1970s as a secret military passageway.

You’re spoilt for choice when it comes to the highway’s romantic trip ideas. You can stop at the Balea waterfall for a snack and souvenir before proceeding to Balea Lake. This glacier lake promises spectacular views if you’re looking for romantic trip ideas for anniversary photos. Another romantic trip idea is climbing the Făgăraş Mountains. Although the trails are marked, consider weather forecasts before you consider hiking as romantic trip ideas.

3. Great Ocean Road, Australia

This route satisfies all your romantic trip ideas, from cliffs and rainforests to surfing beaches and wildlife. Launched in 1932, WWI veterans built the road in memory of their fallen comrades. This two-way road winds along the Southern ocean, running from Torquay till Allansford. The Great Ocean Road offers numerous romantic vacation ideas on a budget.

The first romantic trip idea is swimming. Since the water gets cold, bring a wet suit or rent one from the beach surf shops. However, stay near the shore if you’re not confident. The water may appear calm, but the waves underneath might be too strong. Another attraction is the 12 Apostles. These majestic rocks rise from the ocean at Victoria’s coastline, leaving spectacular views at sunset. The best part is the London Arch, and Loch Ard Gorge are just nearby.

4. North Coast 500, Scotland

The list of romantic getaways during covid isn’t complete without the North Coast 500. For starters, the 516-mile stretch is a wildlife lovers’ haven. Apart from deer viewing at the Torridon museum, you can stop by Handa Island for bird photography. You can even spot otters at Toscaig if you’re lucky. Other romantic trip ideas include hiking at the Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve. Besides enjoying the diverse flora and fauna, you can grab your lover’s hand and ascend the mountain trails.

You’ll also love the North Coast 500 if you’re a history buff. For instance, you can enjoy the sunset from Castle Varrich or confirm the ghost stories at Ardvreck Castle Ruins. Not forgetting other romantic trip ideas like walks with your significant other at the Castle of Mey. While the main road’s scenery is magnificent, alternate routes reveal the Northern Highland’s hidden treasures.

Final Words

Romantic trip ideas don’t stop at choosing destinations. The success of your romantic trip ideas depends on planning. First off, prepare your vehicle for the journey, checking the tires, brakes, AC, oil, and wiper fluid. Again, identify attractions along the way where you can stop for bathroom breaks, food, and photos. Don’t forget emergency supplies like flashlights, chargers, first aid kits, and a map. Do you have other romantic vacation ideas for couples? Share your romantic trip ideas in the comments.

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking. 

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