The bump on your big toe is common, but you should not wait for it to go away on its own. Ruben Nieto, DPM, treats bunions in Bakersfield and can help you manage your foot deformity to prevent it from becoming severe. Several therapies and treatments can be put in place to ease your discomfort and prevent the condition from interfering with your quality of life. Additionally, you can do several remedies to improve your symptoms and get rid of the bunion. See herein.
Do Some Foot Exercise
You can slow or even stop the advancement of your bunion if you try foot exercises which can help you avoid future need for surgery. You can utilize your fingers to pull your big toe by pulling it into proper alignment with other toes. You can also stretch the rest of your toes by pointing them straight ahead for about 10 seconds repetitively. You can also flex your toes by pressing them against the wall until they bend backward. Try any of these exercises every day, mainly after you remove your shoes.
Go for Low-Heeled Shoes
High-heeled shoes increase your chances of developing bunions and should be avoided. Additionally, please ensure you wear shoes appropriate for your width. Although most people assume the size of their shoe, it would be good to ask the consultant at the local stores to measure your feet size to be precise about the correct shoe size for you. Wearing tight shoes and heels can aggravate your condition, but you can avoid this by choosing appropriate footwear to prevent pressure on your toes.
Wear a Bunion Pad
If your bunion is in its immediate stages, you can benefit from a bunion pad from the pharmacy or the local stores. The pad can help direct your toe back to a better position and alleviate some symptoms such as pain. You can also use custom shoe inserts to realign your toes when wearing shoes. You can consult your provider to help you know the best inserts to use for maximum benefits.
Tape Your Foot
You can use tape to align your toes into the appropriate position. Research has found that the toes can adapt back to the standard place after about a week of taping. However, if you need assistance in the process, contact your provider for guidance.
Consider Medications
Some medications can help you relieve the pain caused by the bunions. You can consult your doctor about any medicines from the pharmacy or local stores and ask for a prescription. Be sure to follow your doctor’s advice carefully to prevent the complication from getting worse.
Surgery Can be an Option
If your bunion does not improve after conservative treatments, your doctor may recommend surgery to manage severe symptoms. The procedure involves shaving the big toe’s bone to realign the toe with the rest. Bunion surgery is common and often considered the ultimate cure for the condition. Your doctor will help you understand more about the significant procedure.
Consult Your Physician for Severe Bunions
Call your doctor right away if you experience severe pain from the bunions that do not improve or worsen over time. Your condition might be requiring expert care and advanced treatment. Your provider will assess your state to determine the best treatment procedure.
Know how to deal with bunions by talking to your provider at Diabetic Foot & Wound Center today. While surgery can be the ultimate cure, some lifestyle changes and conservative measures can improve your symptoms and prevent future occurrences of the complication.