I made my first D.I.Y. project for my birds and I think it turned out pretty cute so I wanted to share. It has its fair share of flaws but I’m always proud when I sew something because I’m not a seamstress, and to be honest, I can barely sew a straight line, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. I bought my sewing machine from Amazon years ago and it comes in handy a lot of times, like with my bird pouch. It also has its fair share of just being a dust collector when sitting on my linen shelf.
I had one day to prepare for my new rescue lovebirds, after finding out my application was accepted. I hurriedly put together the cage I bought when I applied to adopt them and as of today, I got them exactly one week ago. When I picked them up, I was as sick as I’ve ever been. It hit me a few hours before I was supposed to meet at the pet adoption center. Sick doesn’t justify what I was and have been all week. Super crazy sick sums it up a little better. I believe I caught something from my daughter who came to lunch a few days before, she works in a doctors office and several nurses and other staff members were out with the flu at the time. I had my flu shot but it had not had time to start working.
Anyhow, to get back on track, I was sick and going shopping was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had these sweet and frightened birds that I wanted to provide with a bed or perch that they could feel safe in, so in between being sick, I drug out my sewing machine, an old dress that looks like something from the ’80s, because it was, some cardboard and scissors, and created a pouch for them.
After cutting out some cardboard, I cut out my dress/material about an inch wider, turned my material inside out, and sewed 3 sides of it. Then turned it right side out to slide my cardboard in. I folded my cardboard prior to the tent pouch-like shape I wanted that I felt both birds could fit in comfortably. I left one side of the top longer so I could fold it over with some Velcro for when I want to take off and wash it, and used my ugly dress spaghetti straps as the ties. I sewed the sides together by hand at the top where I used the Velcro, and within minutes, I had a bird pouch. I know it doesn’t look like anything special to those of you who can sew, but I’m kind of proud of it because it was made from the heart.
Ta da….