Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

“I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.”

I could not be more excited about fall right now. It’s my FAVORITE time of the year, it’s when I prefer to travel, go on hikes, visit festivals, go glamping and camping. It’s my favorite time to to take photos of all of the magical fall colors when I’m sightseeing, It’s cool enough to have BBQs every day if I want to. It’s the time I set aside to do all of my outdoor DIY projects I line up during the hot summer months, and it’s just my season. Mine. And with fall just a few days away, I’m ready for a grand fall kick-off. I’ve got my camera batteries charged and I’ve loaded up my coat closet with charcoal.  First on my list is a trip back to Callaway Gardens, I went and spent a few days there last winter to enjoy all of their Christmas festivities and it’s been too hot for me to go back.

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

As much as I love fall, I don’t love that it’s the start of flu season. I’ve only had the flu once and one thing led to another and then another and before it was over, I truly thought I was going to die.  My neighbor actually did.  We were sick at the same time and I couldn’t talk her into going to the doctor with me (she said she didn’t have time) and while I was there, I got a phone call from my landlord that she had passed away in her kitchen.  That thought is what keeps me passionate about my own health.  For some reason, it wasn’t my time and while I’m still around to do it, I’m going to continue sharing health and wellness tips to help remind all of you that we’re not immortal.  If you’re like me, being sick is a miserable drag.  It’s so much easier to prevent illness than you might realize.  One of the ways I’ve started doing that is by taking my flu shot, every single year.  That year was the first and only time I didn’t take mine and I will NEVER miss it again.

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

Another preventive measure is keeping good hand sanitizer on hand at all times.  I keep it everywhere in my home, even my kitchen table.  I don’t leave home without any either. Now don’t get me wrong, soap and water handwashing is super important too, but hand sanitizer is convenient when I’m out and about enjoying nature and all it has to offer.  It’s also a must-have when shopping because one never knows who touched the same things I did and what kind of germs they were carrying.

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

One of my highly recommended hand sanitizers is Desert Essence probiotic hand sanitizer.  Reason being, it kills 99.9 % of most common harmful germs and provides probiotic and conditions skin.  The fact that it provides good bacteria is what makes it a favorite of mine.

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

Learn more:

Kick Off Fall with Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer

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Sanitizers by visiting

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